Weiner Returns! – IOTW Report

Weiner Returns!

DailyMailUK: He’s baaack! Serial sexter Anthony Weiner is spotted in New York after a stint in a Tennessee sex rehab as estranged wife Huma Abedin gets all gussied up to welcome him at the home they STILL SHARE.

Anthony Weiner has returned to New York from a more than a month-long stint in a Tennessee rehab, spotted at the apartment he still shares with his estranged wife Huma Abedin and their son, four-year-old Jordan.

Earlier on Tuesday, Huma treated herself to a blowout at Elizabeth Arden’s Red Door Salon before getting her nails manicured at Blooming Nails in New York.


Huma, 40, braved the New York downpour in the name of beauty navigating her way through the rain for her afternoon of grooming before returning to the couple’s shared apartment.

Last August she announced that she was splitting with the disgraced former congressman and mayoral candidate.

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26 Comments on Weiner Returns!

  1. A lezie muzzie traitor &
    a sick sex freak buffoon.
    I guess these are New York city values?
    I am embarrassed as an American.
    I want to burn a flag right now.A
    Mexican,gay pride,ISIS,muzzie brotherhood che castro commie flag that is…

  2. I know this won’t be a popular thing to say here, but I’m actually starting to feel a little bit sorry for Huma. She’s obviously still in love with the creep or she would have shown him her heels a long time ago. I can’t think of any political purpose there would be in sticking with that pervert, so that’s got to be it. Sucks to be her right now.

  3. Her future’s not looking too bright. Still don’t feel sorry for her though. She was/is more than willing to participate in sending the US down in flames for the evil caliphate and mass genocide. Karma’s a b*tch.

  4. Just think about this: Hillary Clinton introduced Huma Abedin to Anthony Weiner, and Billyboyo Clinton officiated at the Long Island wedding. It was considered to be the perfect match of two of Washington’s most successful power couples. The fact that he was Jewish and she was a Muslim just made it so much better. This wedding was proof that Liberal multiculturalism was working. Now, many of Hillary’s most ardent supporters believe that the FBI’s investigation of the emails found in Weiner’s devices caused her to lose the election. Can you imagine living with that thought as Congress investigates the Clinton Global Enrichment Foundation and the illegal destruction of all those incriminating emails? All the Clintons managed to acquire and conceal brought down by a perverted Weiner wacker! Fate truly is a hunter of the truth.

  5. Since he is on the streets, and since he is a witness to Clinton Cartel crimes, watch his life insurance policies, if he has any, be cancelled in 3-2-1. Desperate Clinton murder squads are in full mode ops. How many have been murdered, gone missing, disappeared since Nov 8th? I can remember 2 or 3. Counting this year, at least twice that number.

  6. Just for the entertainment value I hope both Weiners stay in the public eye. Neither Shakespeare nor Norman Lear could write this messed up screen play.

    Anthony could run down Broadway dressed up in a tutu, fright wig and clown shoes and beat people with a rubber bladder and it still would not surpass the OMG factor of the last three years of his marriage to the Muslim Brotherhood.

  7. Course, I guess after spending a couple of years with her face stuck in HRC’s crotch, even the Weiner might seem like a respite.
    Who knows?
    “It’s a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human (?) heart.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Thirdtwin: Big deal. They may need to be married to each other, but she still doesn’t have to hang out with him. That’s love, there.

    P.S. – In the immortal words of Kinky Friedman:
    “Money may buy you a fine dog, but only love can make it wag its tail.”


  9. @CC: Thirdtwin has already tried that argument, which I rebutted above. They could be married and live in separate states and that fact would still apply, so she doesn’t have to be with him unless she wants to.

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