Weiner – Schumer’s Political Protege’ – Facing Serious Jail Time – IOTW Report

Weiner – Schumer’s Political Protege’ – Facing Serious Jail Time

Former congressman is being investigated for sexually explicit exchanges he allegedly had with a 15-year-old girl

WSJ- In recent weeks, according to some of the people familiar with the matter, attorneys for Mr. Weiner have had discussions with federal prosecutors in Manhattan in hopes of dissuading them from bringing charges, or at least from bringing the most serious one: production of child pornography, which carries a 15-year mandatory minimum prison sentence upon conviction.

These types of discussions can indicate both sides are trying to reach an agreement in which the defendant pleads guilty in exchange for a less-severe charge.

Mr. Weiner could face the production charge, some of the people familiar with the case say, because he allegedly solicited explicit images from the teenager.

Prosecutors also are weighing other charges, including receipt of child pornography, for which conviction carries a five-year mandatory minimum, and possession of child pornography, which has no mandatory minimum. Legal experts say receipt and possession encompass virtually the same misconduct, but the two charges are a way to give prosecutors more discretion in their charging decisions.


31 Comments on Weiner – Schumer’s Political Protege’ – Facing Serious Jail Time

  1. There is still a not quite so small part of me that is hoping against hope that they’re prepping to charge Podesta the molesta and his fellow perverts… I just KNOW that Weiner had to have had some dirt on them in there, it makes so much sense.

  2. Here is an unaccomplished weasel so worthless and unqualified he wouldn’t even be able to drive a Pepsi truck in the private sector, so he had to live as the parasite husband of Hillary’s muzlim handler.
    Now he’s even screwed himself out of that!
    Whutta Total Shitpickle!!

  3. This Person committed a crime – he ought to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law or there is no purpose to having the law.
    Also he ought to be prosecuted for all of the illegal activities he has done – not just the perverted ones (like being in possession of top secret information on his personal laptop).

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