Weiner To Get Stiff Sentencing – IOTW Report

Weiner To Get Stiff Sentencing


The United States government wants Anthony Weiner locked up for up to 27 months for getting sexual with a minor. Prosecutors just filed their sentencing proposal with the court … this after Weiner copped a plea to transferring obscene material to a minor.

The government says, “This is not merely a sexting case … With full knowledge that he was communicating with a real, 15-year-old girl, the defendant asked her to engage in sexually explicit conduct via Skype and Snapchat, where her body was on display, and where she was asked to sexually perform for him.”Prosecutors say Weiner needs a stiff sentence because his prior conduct shows he’s slow to learn what he’s done is wrong.

And, prosecutors say, “With that depth of awareness … [he has] a dangerous level of denial and lack of self-control.”

Sentencing is set for Sept. 25.

ht/ JS

28 Comments on Weiner To Get Stiff Sentencing

  1. Can the two tiered judicial system sacrifice one of their own elite to give the semblance of impartiality and equal justice?

    It will be a difficult decision for the judiciary to betray one of their own to maintain the appearance of equal justice.

    The jury is out on this one.

    I think this guy’s life is ruined enough already, HOWEVER,

    the more I read online about those who 🚸 crave sexual attention from children,🚸 the more I realize how utterly unredeemable they truly are. The recidivism rate is high, and there doesn’t seem to be any actual CURE. Their brains are totally broken either from birth, through abuse, or just some sort of decay. Those who like children have a higher addiction than any drunk, smoker, or crack addict. They are unable to control themselves, even when they know what they are doing is immoral and hurtful.

    He can get 27 months, and he will be the same pervert he’s always been, but just pretending harder while people are watching.

  3. What’s up with “plea bargains”?! The guy was caught literally red-handed! What does the state get in return for their bargain? The only thing I can think of is the victim’s family didn’t want a trial, but since when does the victim decide that? This makes no sense.

  4. ”Prosecutors say Weiner needs a stiff sentence”, huh?

    Sounds like prosecutors are having a lot of fun with this one.

    P.S. – His punishment should be even stiffer because he acted
    with malice aforeski- uh, I mean – aforethought.


  5. This completely plays off that HuffPo story from today where Clinton “secretly” support Comet Ping Pong after their “incident””

    “Monday evening, during the first stop of Clinton’s book tour for her new campaign memoir, What Happened, the evening’s host, Lissa Muscatine, co-owner of the popular Washington bookstore Politics and Prose, told the crowd that Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, had purchased a number of pizzas from Comet Ping Pong and sent them to a local after-school literacy program.”

    So that I understand this correctly. The pizza joint that faked a hate crime against itself. The one that was run by David Brock’s boyfriend – Hillary Clinton’s old nemesis and now fiercest defender, is accused to being a hub for gathering delicious children for sex for Washington’s power elite following the Wikileaks disclosures.

    And Hillary’s response is to “support” Comet Ping Pong by sending them to deliver pizza to kids at school. Weiner should have just taken up a part time job there.

  6. Weiner won’t survive the slammer – I predict an “accidental suicide” is in his future, as someone who might just spill what he knows in order to remove himself from the presence of less odious convicts.

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