Weirdo Philly Mayor Says This Shooting Has Nothing To Do With Islam – IOTW Report

Weirdo Philly Mayor Says This Shooting Has Nothing To Do With Islam

The guy said he shot in THE NAME OF ISLAM.

Kenney says it has nothing to do with Islam.

29 Comments on Weirdo Philly Mayor Says This Shooting Has Nothing To Do With Islam

  1. Mayor Kenny is as democrat as you can be. He is sucked fast to Obama’s policies and with the help of our governor, Tommy Wolf (Obama lite) there will probably be more mushliods in Philly in the coming months.

  2. Of course it has nothing to do with Islam. It’s like when you look in the mirror in the morning, that’s not you. Another lying politician, I can’t believe it!

  3. While I know this has everything to do with Islam. I kind of get where the mayor and others are trying to go with saying it has nothing to do with Islam.

    If you deny the Muslim a right to be a Muslim by disassociating them from Islam, they potentially become less effective fighting for Islam. It’s twisted logic you use on small kids not subhuman savages.

    This whole problem could have been solved years ago had the left not made GW the poster boy of a dyke soldier with a cigarette in her mouth standing in front of a pile of naked goat fcukers. Abu Ghraib and the left hyperventilating over mistreating child rapists has only prolonged the problem over there.

  4. Obama in tears hearing it was a Moslem, not a redneck NRA member.

    The gun was stolen from a cop’s home.
    Ban all guns owned by police.

    2016 is off to a lousy start; it’s not going to end well.

  5. According to the mayor, the shooting doesn’t have anything to do with Islam even though the shooter said the shooting was for Islam.

    But you can be damn sure that the gun has everything to do with the NRA and legal gun owners because…

    Democrats are cunts.

  6. Philly shooter traveled to mid-east twice in recent years.

    From early reports it sounded like the Philadelphia shooter was a mental case whose scrambled brain caused him to say Allah told him to do it. And maybe not a Moslem because the news also reported he was not a member of a jihad center, aka a mosque.

    But I heard on Fox this evening

    ( before changing the channel when their regular nutjob Jerry Rivera came on).

    that the shooter had made two trips to the middle east in recent years. Confirmed Islamic motivated killer. Mayor Kenney revealed for a bigger fool than first assumed. .

  7. AN LEO losing a gun is very serious shit in every Police Department. It is not treated lightly. Probably a months suspension w/o pay for the officer who “failed to secure his weapon.”
    But the Fast and Furious thingy.? Well we’ll let that go

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