Well, isn’t this a kick in the pink manties – Joe Arpaio Considering Senate Run Against Flake – IOTW Report

Well, isn’t this a kick in the pink manties – Joe Arpaio Considering Senate Run Against Flake

Joe Arpaio may challenge Jeff Flake for Arizona Senate seat: Exclusive

Wash Exam-

After receiving President Trump’s first pardon, Joe Arpaio’s plans have gone from possible prison to book-writing, speeches and potentially another run for office in Arizona, with Sen. Jeff Flake’s seat one opportunity he is eyeing.

The former Maricopa County sheriff told the Washington Examiner he’s upset at negative reaction to the Friday pardon, and that he feels Republican politicians are insufficiently supportive of the president, who he calls a great man.

“I could run for mayor, I could run for legislator, I could run for Senate,” Arpaio said Monday. One particular race, however, is likely to gain significant attention: the GOP primary next year facing Flake, R-Ariz., a forceful Trump critic.


More here courtesy of Art of the Zeal

21 Comments on Well, isn’t this a kick in the pink manties – Joe Arpaio Considering Senate Run Against Flake

  1. I like the guy, but I don’t like this. Heck he is as old as McCain. I think he would be more effective endorsing and campaigning. Doesn’t Kelli Ward have a 20+ point lead now?


    Then be on her staff, or run for a lower office and kick some other RINO or Liberal-Jihadi out of office.

  3. Nah. Arpaio’s just talking shit, in my opinion. He’s going to mess with Flake and McCain and I don’t blame him. He’d do better at the local level, because the local level is where assholes like Flake come from. He can help nip that shit in the bud.

  4. If I were Trump I’d put Sheriff Joe in charge of a special commission to present the findings of his “posse” before Congress. Just let the fit his the shan on obama’s fraudulent birth certificate and stolen SSN’s. Don’t ask for prosecution, just let it become part of the official Congressional record.

  5. k……K….,..K !!!

    New to this and hadn’t heard of Ward.
    There is a learning curve.

    Anyway, you are all whitty as hell and thank you for helping me laugh at the news.

  6. @MJA. Before the 17th amendment they could. Senators directly elected by the people as opposed to being selected by state legislatures, with the ability to recall by the legislature, was one of the worst assaults on states rights ever perpetrated and contributes heavily to the swamp gas in DC.

  7. The McCain seat will be available for a Governor appointment to fill out the rest of the McCain six year term. I doubt he will last until next year. Electing an 80 year old to a 6 year term was crazy enough. Add in the brain cancer and you cancel out most of the six years. Unfortunately, McCain can do a lot of harm in his remaining months of miserable life.

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