Well, Let’s Put a Stop To This Idiotic Meme That It’s Trump Supporters Who Are Violent – IOTW Report

Well, Let’s Put a Stop To This Idiotic Meme That It’s Trump Supporters Who Are Violent

It’s as if the #NeverTrump #NeverLanders have forgotten who the left is…. or is this the right-wing #NeverTrumpers doing the punching?

Here’s, yet again, another Trump supporter getting sucker punched.

32 Comments on Well, Let’s Put a Stop To This Idiotic Meme That It’s Trump Supporters Who Are Violent

  1. It’s time to step up and fuck these animals up. They only understand force so let’s quit being restrained by our invisible PC chains and put these shit stains in their place.

  2. I’d have gone berserk on that fucker.

    Rule #2(Rule #1 is avoid crowds) is if you’re in an environment like that, you need your head on a swivel. Your SA has to be on DefCon 1. Travel in groups too. Lone walkers are prime targets.

  3. These idiots don’t realize that burning American flags while waving Mexican flags and attacking middle Americans is driving even reluctant Americans into Trump’s arms. Nicely played, dumbfucks. You’ll soon find yourselves on the other side of the newly constructed wall.

  4. From the LA NBC story:

    “Our police officers have done an extremely courageous and professional job so far,” San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo told The Associated Press by phone.

    No, they haven’t. I’m sure there were some “courageous and professional” cops there, but the fact is that the job they did was not at all professional, and the proof is the number of innocent Trump rally attendants who were assaulted and injured, and the amount of property damage done by the rioters.

    The mayor, a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, criticized Trump for coming to cities and igniting problems that local police departments had to deal with.
    “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign,” Liccardo said.

    No, you idiotic sack of shit, YOU need to take responsibility for being part of a state and city govt that has effectively disarmed its residents with the laughable promise that your police forces will protect them, and then FAILING TO DO JUST THAT. If I were on a jury trying your for your malfeasance and for fomenting riots, you’d get a GUILTY vote from me. A very, very loud one.

  5. These imbeciles need to direct their HATE towards the MSM. The MSM propagated these riots and they are continually fanning the flames, with the help of the misguided democrat party. Ask any Mexican flag waver there and he will tell you Trump hates all Mexicans. The rest of them are there because Trump is providing them potential opportunity, something they have been stripped of for almost 8 years. That is, the ability to find work instead of sucking free government cheese… That is a reality check none of them want to face, just the mere thought of work sets them off.

  6. Uncle Al
    Probably just as good. You won’ be able to get within 2 miles of one of these events carrying. Although I’d be money some of the highly organized protester are carrying. We need a carbon fiber baton with a lead core so it’s not so easily picked up by a metal detector.
    These people attending these events need to start going back to their cars in mass. If shit starts in Redding today you could see some serious retribution. The assholes may not show up though. The trouble makers didn’t show up at his Sac rally. But that was held at the airport and it’s located at the extreme north end of Sac county. Easily accessible by Northern Cali Red Necks,

  7. Brad, thinking about detectability, I’d like to see a leather sap filled with fine sand and with a springy nylon shank. Lead, while not triggering a magnetometer, would be bright as day to X-rays, as would a steel shank. Do you know if anyone already makes something with those materials, or something with similar characteristics?

  8. conservative cowgirl
    Yes and it’s not just Redding residents. Anderson, Red Bluff, Oroville, all the way up to Yreka. In other words, the State of Jefferson. I’m really hoping the shit disturbers show up.

  9. When you go to a Trump rally you have to go through a TSA checkpoint with SS all over the place. They will take anything just like at the airport, I saw them take a keychain bottle opener at the rally we went to. The trouble starts when you leave on your way back to your cars, and these aholes know you are unarmed. If the coppers are not going to help soon there will be enforcers starting to defend people on our side and it wont be pretty.

  10. Hmm, maybe we need an entrepreneur to set up shop outside security to hold personal objects until you’re ready to leave. Big tip jar on the counter would pay off nicely.

  11. Yes, really the only way Trump rally goers are going to be safe(r) is if there are people willing to step up to be civilian protectors. However, most of the urban venues are going to be in areas that ban guns. And those areas are going to be controlled, as SJ is, by both mayors and their lapdog police chiefs (remember, these are usually only D-run crapholes) who are BIG D supporters. The mayor of SJ just hosted a clinton fundraiser and the police there just stood around while Trump’s rally goers got beat up and assaulted. The best you can do at this point is to call that mayor/police chief and let them know you are aware of how they handled SJ and why.

    Here is a link to greater details on this story, with names:


    We have to do something, though, because the alternative is that these treasonous rats in D-controlled territories will effectively shut down our 1A rights. Do what you can through Twitter, FB, all the social media — email and tweet that news networks aren’t covering who is being bussed into these “protests”, who is paying for them, etc.

    This is a war. Act accordingly.

  12. @Burner
    Not a bad idea. I suspect that the sniveling cowards would run home to mommy if they saw people leaving the event retrieving their firearms from the coat check girl.

  13. PHenry — There’s no coat check girl at Trump rallies. If you had a gun, you’d probably be irritatingly detained by the SS and miss the rally. Remember, you’d also be in hostile territory and probably held by local police. You don’t want that. I wouldn’t worry about rallies in outlying college towns; the worse that can happen is a blue-haired she/he with armpit hair and a nose ring holding a sign that reads, “The Idiots Are In Charge Now!” (True story, I wish I had got a good picture of her/him.)
    These ‘protests’ are usually bussed-in, big money events like the SEIU crap we’ve seen over and over again.

  14. Dear Abby.
    I was responding to @Burner with his idea of having a spot outside the event where peeps could check their weapons and retrieve them once they exit the venue.

    As for SEIU, yep, I’ve seen that. I used to hop up to DC for various pro/con protests somewhat frequently and SEIU with their preprinted signs are always present for everything. Matter of fact, we filmed SEIU rent a mob participants getting their checks for showing up at the Supreme Court during the run up to the first Obamacare decision.
    That film actually made it on Hannity that night.

  15. At Trump HQ just a few miles north of downtown Seattle, we were infiltrated by a Lefty reporter from a local rag called “The Stranger” who outed our general campaign location. Worried about surprise visits we soaped the windows and kept the back door locked from the inside. One of our main volunteers, a little gal who probably weighed 90 pounds soaking wet, open carried at the office. So did one of the volunteer’s dad. He’d sit on the sofa all day reading Coulter’s books. We felt safe.

  16. It must be pointed out that the rioters are TRYING to provoke a physical response from the Trump supporting gatherings.

    This is a Obama / Democrat media fostered operation to discredit and criminalize opposition with ultimately some lovely “enabling act” type laws to come and codify political prosecution.

    That’s real nice going with the “Hope and Change” idiocy ,America.
    You created this by voting for it TWICE.

  17. I will attend the next Trump rally he has in NY and I will carry my legal Glock .40. If I am attacked and hounded and chased, I will retreat as far as I can (that’s the law). Then it’s game on and I will use my Frontsight training: ocular-cranial shot and then thoracic cavity.

  18. “Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these violent and unruly people with which we have had to contend. Grant us the strength for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as righteous soldiers who call Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies, and establish Thy justice among men and nations. Amen.” ~ As paraphrased from the prayer written by Chaplain Fr. James O’Neill.

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