We’re Days Away From “Dempocalypse” – IOTW Report

We’re Days Away From “Dempocalypse”

If recent past history of abuse of power is any indication of the future, then we are in for a terrible two years once the democrats take control of the House. Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse spells out just what the socialist, who call themselves democrats, will have in store for anyone who opposes their subjugation agenda. Here

17 Comments on We’re Days Away From “Dempocalypse”

  1. I was reminded while driving today and listening to the radio that 2019 is the 50th anniversary of Woodstock.

    A festival is in the works.

    Woodstock. Where Schumer and Pelosi wallowed together naked in the mud to the brilliant music of Country Joe and the Fish. Or Richie Havens warbling about FREEDOM, which Chuck and Nancy wish to take from you and bestow upon non citizen invaders.

    I may need to nap through 2019.

  2. Well that article was certainly unsettling. Besides voting, what the hell do we even do? I can type letters until my fingers fall off but they don’t give a shit about anything except their agenda and the people who voted for them.

  3. @Brown Eyed Girl December 29, 2018 at 7:43 pm

    > Besides voting, what the hell do we even do?

    (cue some Canadian:)
    Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
    Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
    Everybody knows the war is over
    Everybody knows the good guys lost
    Everybody knows the fight was fixed
    The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
    That’s how it goes
    Everybody knows

    Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
    Everybody knows the captain lied
    Everybody got this broken feeling
    Like their father or their dog just died

    Everybody knows what needs be done. All holding their action for “the right time”. Just like your drunk uncle. Who doesn’t have a drinking problem. He can stop whenever he wants. And do something different. When it’s “the right time”. True dat. As everybody knows.

  4. I cringe to think my only hope is that mitch mcCONnell will no longer “go along to get along” with the establishment socialist binge he is known for.
    Another reason to celebrate Donald Trump’s Presidency, when the turtle flips onto his back, there is the veto.

  5. The Republican Party did essentially nothing over the years to fight back. So we have the Democratic Party running federal law enforcement, the IRS, the MSM, etc., all amounting to a massive betrayal of the American experiment.

  6. From Brown Eyed Girl: “Well that article was certainly unsettling.”

    Really? Not to me. None of this, not one iota is going to affect how I live my life.

    You also have a choice.

  7. Brown Eyed Girl:

    Besides voting, what the hell do we even do?

    Grit your teeth and try bear it, or become a violent criminal.


    Everybody knows what needs be done. All holding their action for “the right time”.

    Yes. And that right time may have passed us by already.

    @Lowell – Do you have children? I don’t, but from time to time I think about how my decisions and actions today might be different if I did. While the rest of my own life might well elapse with no personal hardships (I’ll be 70 in May), the same can’t be said for my niece and nephew and his daughter.

  8. Testing is underway, success almost a given. Obama was the most powerful President ever in that he erased America with open borders, increased the invasion numbers with our own tax dollars and left the system in place to continue putting the invaders ahead of citizens. Old people watched Social Security stay fixed as the lie of no inflation droned on while they committed suicide, deferred medicine and quietly went away while illegals got ever more support dollars…we did nothing. Lois Lerner weaponized the IRS and got a raise, Hillary makes $2.7 billion while a public servant and yet committed no crime. We watch in fascination as a coup proceeds against Trump under the guise of an investigation and we do nothing…The stage is set…,,,complain too much and you will be shamed or cut off from social media and then, alone without a public voice, you say something at work and lose your job, seem to be distraught and Child Services takes your child, the IRS gives you ten days to turn in your gun or will lien you, take your savings and close your accounts , You , in a moment of time will be enslaved if you do not comply. It comes for you because the animals of the Democratic Party love only themselves, are without empathy, despise you and will relentlessly come up with words for you to say, news that is fashioned for you to effect your view of reality, increase your taxes and degrade your life…how do you know this ? Look at Russia, look at Venezuela, look at Cuba, look at China …the American landmass will be worse in the despair it will bring to your family…be ready to become a slave in a chaotic world or be ready to fight..


  9. In case you all didn’t notice the sleeping giant is stirring from its slumber, it took eight years under the Marxist Mouse Dick for the great leviathan to rise from the deep and the weeping, wailing, knashing of teeth that is the Democrat party in its death throes will only serve to expidite the demise of their bankrupt godless theology.

    Ironically it will be neither Trumo, Q, or any other white folk who institute the change. It will be the people of color who are beginning to shake off the chains that have held them back for so long.

    As more demoncrat core constituenants experience the American Dream of capitalism and real non governmental prosperity they will join the army of patriots and pull down the ramparts of the globalist cabal.

    All the histrionics and heinous actions and activities are the spectacular final gasp of the Marxist village as the Hordes of Trumpus Kahn descend upon them.

    Their lies, techniques of disinformation, and tactics of tribal separation are being exposed by the Great Awakening. The test of faith is always hardest before the storm, the Great Serpent fights back with maximum fury before his kegions are defeated.

    Trust in God when your knees grow week in the face of this unrelenting Satanic counterattack. We operate on Gods time, not ours.

    Be in good faith and gird your loins for battle, we shall prevail.


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