We’re Writing Another Book! – IOTW Report

We’re Writing Another Book!

C. Steven and I, and a few others, were tag teaming a leftist bint on Twitter who was regurgitating all of these ridiculous leftist assertions.

I called one of my replies a reButthole, which is an answer to her butthole ideas.

I also said she had cognitive dissoDunce.

C. Steven said he was instaStealing that one. I said, let’s write a book, a compendium of words and phrases to describe leftists and their actions. Hopefully it will become part of the LEXICONservative landscape.

Girgoyle (n) – grotesque leftist girl who stands guard over grotesque leftist ideas.

blabbergasted (v) – the astonished state caused by a leftist’s continual bleating of the same old and busted ideas.

The dumb leftist bint left me blabbergasted.

rebutthole (n) – the smart counter argument a conservative makes for the a typical leftist butthole idea.

ASSertion (n)- an idiotic and false leftist claim.

dissodunce (n) – a leftist holding, simultaneously, two ideas which, together, undermines their premise.

Donald Trump did not want to win the presidential election.

Donald Trump colluded with the Russians in order to win the presidential election.

dissidunce (n) –  a leftist protesting against a constitutional founding principle.


Offer your submissions in the comments.


134 Comments on We’re Writing Another Book!

  1. Criminal neglivents –

    When a leftist goes on social media and angrily incites violence against conservatives, calls for the assassination of a right-wing president, holds up pictures of severed heads.

  2. Toolerance: a device used to anchor positions which cannot rationally exist. Eg. “I’m going to use this toolerance to justify my decision to identify as a donkey and avoid an argument based on facts or logic.”

  3. Feminitwit- An individual, (usually feminists, Antifa, Pajama Boys, etc.) who believes just because women are in leadership, there will be no corruption or sexual abuse.

  4. Here is a real one with augmentation…”Hoplophobia” should now be defined as the irrational fear of the Second Amendment and armed Americans coupled with a visceral aversion to learning anything about firearms, their technology and operation, or the laws surrounding their acquisition and use.

    See “Ignorance is bliss”

  5. Democrit: a politician who claims to be concerned about the poor and the disadvantaged, but chooses instead to use the system for their own profit. See “Warren, Elizabeth; Franken, Al; Schumer, Chuck; Clinton, Bill, Hillary and Chelsea.”

  6. Ashkenozzle; Ashkenozzle Problem

    Situation where psychopathic, hyper-achieving Jewish liberal men expose their penises at the drop of a hat to compensate for childhood feelings of physical inadequacy

  7. Gramsci given rights

    Nonconstitutional rights, such as the right to force Evangelicals to pay for your abortion, granted to citizens of post-America by Gramsci-influenced judges and legal scholars

  8. Snitpuss; to whine loudly and incessantly….applies to self professed “liberals”, elitists, democrats, rhinos, and obama era “college students” …and most “journalists”

  9. genderous (adj) :
    Liberal in contributing tax money to sex reassignment surgery and the like; a genderous gift of hormone treatments.

    To provide genderous governmental financial assistance to those indentifying between male and female and vice versa, by changing once exclusive institutions such as Boy Scouts into an all inclusive People Scouts, as well as reformatting signage in all public restrooms.

    A genderous fine/penalty that’s levied against anyone addressing an individual, in trasnsition or sexually identifying contrary to their actual birth designation.

  10. Islamophrenia

    Counter to Islamophobia — Unwillingness to face the truth of the violent and supremacist tendencies of Islam

    (See also muslophrenic; musloid)

  11. Won’t See Span

    The MSM network that provides in depth coverage of such topics as the unrest in Iran, Trump’s foreign policy triumphs, surge in the Dow, etc

  12. AntiRa

    In the same way that Antifa is a fascist movement that is opposed to non-existent fascism, this is the anti-racist movement that is vastly more racist than the non-existent racism it claims to be fighting.

  13. That previous entry is important. We need a word to capture the schizophrenia at the heart of modern liberalism ….. a bigoted, hateful accusation of another person’s non-existent bigotry

    If this fantastic conceit gets exploded, the whole deranged hypocritical edifice of modern proggresivism fails. So if not this word, then SOME word

  14. I saw this yesterday but can’t recall the source:
    Pretendian – a politician who fakes ancestry in order to advance her career (i.e. Elizabeth Warren)

    I’m pretty sure Michelle Malkin coined that one – bfh

  15. Algorerithm – A formula that doesn’t work such as the one used by the CDC to determine that any Conservative policy will cost money and any Leftist policy will save billions.

    Ignoranus – Stupid asshole. Dumbass.

    Openmindlessness – A pretense of being open to new ideas while harboring idiotic rigidities.

  16. Barryum: A base mineral of a particularly weak atomic structure. Folds easily, breaks under the slightest pressure, has no commercial value other than ship’s ballast, or for use in cereal filler in chicken food

  17. Clintonite: A base metal known as the Janus Mineral for it’s ability to display two opposingly different values at the same time.
    Has no commercial use due to it’s failure to hold shape
    Use is generally avoided due to the unpleasant sounds it makes when worked.

  18. Newsheimers (n)

    An imaginary affliction suffered by journalists, reporters and mainstream media outlets to forget about things they’ve written or published in the past that contradicts or disproves articles that they have written at a later date.

  19. We’ve done this twice before, you know

    There is still a record of the January 2010 effort at The Peoples Cube. Search “thepeoplescube neologisms” and you’ll see it. Oleg posted the iotw results starting 12 posts down. There are a small percentage that would still work in 2018 (Damn, has it been EIGHT years since we did that)

  20. Psycho Analosis

    A branch of Psychology that stipulates that a man who built an enormous real estate and media empire is mentally unfit to be President, but that a man who was abandoned by his mother at age 12 and who wrote a poem about being molested was

  21. Conduct Unbeclowning

    Whenever a liberal engages you in a discussion that emphasizes respect for objective facts, principles of reason and respect for your point of view, he is said to be engaging in “Conduct Unbeclowning of a Proggressive”

  22. New Borg* City

    Capital of New Lib-land, the East Coast Progg-topia

    *(“Borg” is a metaphor may not resonate much with us, but it certainly does for Millenials and Gen-Xers. I see “Borg” attached to everything — Faceborg, femborg …)

  23. misscussion: a one sided debate with a feminist in which x?e tells you it’s correct viewpoint and your heteronormative incorrect one without pausing to actually hear what you have to say

  24. Trumpette’s Syndrome

    Proggological disorder that causes libs to suddenly spew forth with obviously and laughably false statements about Trump … Trump is anti-Semitic, Trump is fascist, Trump is stupid

  25. Hyposnit- A person complaining about the sty in your eye, while ignoring the plank in theirs. ‘The white professor is having a hyposnit telling me about my white privilege.’

  26. Twinkidom-College
    Sh*tspittle- Lib talking over their opponent in a debate.
    Jitter points-the ability to change the subject spewing “talking points” of a whole nother topic.

  27. Libidiot – pretty much any liberal

    Asshat – (n) like a pussy hat but it puts liberals’ heads in a more realistic place
    Can also be used as an adjective to describe a libidiot

    Asshattery (Adjective) leftist behavior

  28. @beachmom

    Most of us here are boomers, and so we might not be aware of who The Borg are, as we didn’t watch “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” It really was a Gen X and Millenial show

    So some of us won’t understand how perfect a metaphor “The Borg” is for the Left. Moreover, we need to be thinking in terms of turning people in this cohort to our side. Shouldn’t that be the point of all this?

  29. Had to update my entry following an avoidable misscussion last night …

    misscussion (1) : a one sided debate with a feminist in which x?e tells you it’s correct viewpoint and your heteronormative incorrect one without pausing to actually listen to what you have to say

    misscussion (2) : resultant cranial damage after repeatedly slamming ones head following a conversation with a feminist

    missgust, missgusted : the emotion one feels after having suffered a misscussion

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