WH Declares Pelosi’s Office “Flat Out Lied” – IOTW Report

WH Declares Pelosi’s Office “Flat Out Lied”

Washington Examiner –

The White House on Friday rejected the accusation from Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., that the administration leaked sensitive travel information for her foreign trip, calling it a “flat out lie.”

“When the Speaker of the House and about 20 others from Capitol Hill decide to book their own commercial flights to Afghanistan, the world is going to find out,” a White House official said. “The idea we would leak anything that would put the safety and security of any American at risk is a flat out lie.” More

When asked by reporters for a response, the “Speaker”managed to stammer out a declaration that”doubled down” on her original claim. Here 

13 Comments on WH Declares Pelosi’s Office “Flat Out Lied”

  1. Every day that Pelosi Galore refuses to secure our borders, she is putting every citizen of this country in danger and in essence stealing from the taxpayers who pay to provide for the millions of illegals who live here under her protection.

  2. “The idea we would leak anything that would put the safety and security of any American at risk is a flat out lie.”


    “The idea we would leak anything that would put the safety and security of any anti-American at risk is a flat out lie.”

    Also, true. sad.

  3. “WH Declares Pelosi’s Office “Flat Out Lied””

    …which is what Democrats DO, so kind of a “Dog Bites Man” story, EXCEPT for someone calling them OUT on it…

  4. “Lying has been her centerpiece since first elected to Congress in 1846.”

    …you’re too charitable there, @extirpates. Nancy, Hillary, and Ruth all fled from the Salem witch trials in 1693 by deceiving them into believing many OTHER women were witches by casting a glamour on Ye Olde Speciale Councile’s Office.

    They then used the confusion they sowed to escape, fleeing far into what was then swampland to evade being recaptured.

    …they brooded and spelled until 1790, when they used their almost century of evil magical build-up to cast a spell on George Washington, causing him to think that building the Capital of his young Nation in their swamp was was a good idea.

    And they’ve been there ever since.

    And they have all LIED.




    …so, you’re right as far as “modern” American politics is concerned with you’re date, but you can’t amass THAT much evil in a single human lifetime…


  5. So Valerie Plame redux? Secret Agent Natalia Pelosivick had her Above Top Secret clearance damaged for political purposes?

    Sounds like somebody got into a tinkle fight and got some splash back.

  6. Name something – anything – that has emerged from Pelosi’s office that WASN’T a lie!

    Go on … waiting … President Trump? … anybody?

    The corrupt bitch doctored wage and tax laws to get her husband’s companies exempt – anybody remember that? Oh, yeah, and corruption’s legal! Congress can exempt themselves from their own corruptions! Like “insider trading.”
    Don’t believe me? You could look it up!

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Nice to know that these elected oath taking politicians have more interest in Afghanistan than their US constituents.
    Never seems the voting US constituents ever care.
    Decades old Mother Nancy Turdfloatsi.


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