WH Press Secretary Lost for Words When Asked About Durham Report – IOTW Report

WH Press Secretary Lost for Words When Asked About Durham Report

UK Daily Mail

The White House Press Secretary was blasted for abruptly ending a briefing  and ‘fleeing her podium’ without comment when she was grilled about a recent report on how the FBI handled the Trump-Russia probe.

When asked Tuesday about the White House’s reaction to the special counsel report, Karine Jean-Pierre said it was a matter for the Department of Justice to speak on.

Jean-Pierre closed her briefing book and left the podium without further comment, which sparked outrage online as social media users accused her of ignoring her own history of pushing the Russia collusion allegation. More

9 Comments on WH Press Secretary Lost for Words When Asked About Durham Report

  1. How can she be lost for words?
    Did she forget how to lie?
    Even Piss-Hockey could come up with a lie
    at the drop of a kotex.
    She should go back to the DNC Liar Training School.

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