WH says climate change will make hurricane season worse – IOTW Report

WH says climate change will make hurricane season worse

WE: The Obama administration believes climate change will make hurricane season worse for people in some areas of the country, such as those living in South Florida.

“There was certainly a discussion about how the very early effects of climate change are putting some communities across the country at even greater risk from a hurricane,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Tuesday during his daily briefing.

“There are some communities in South Florida where we have seen sea levels rise and begin to encroach on populated land,” he said. “That makes the potential impact of storm surge associated with a significant hurricane even more dangerous.  more

18 Comments on WH says climate change will make hurricane season worse

  1. The U.S. is in new record territory, as the nation passes the nine and a half year mark without the landfall of a major hurricane. [source]

    Sea level has been falling on the Atlantic seaboard for the past six years. [source]

    Obama’s administration will let you know the real (opposite) facts.

  2. How does the sea level rise in some parts of S Florida but not everywhere? How does the rising sea level “encroach” on some populated coastal areas but not all of them? Kewl trick I guess.

    More importantly, how come the reporters at these news dispensers the WH stages sit there with their thumbs up their asses when the most ridiculous bullshit is disseminated? Is it such a coveted seat that they’re afraid any dissension(or laughter) would get them barred? What a bunch of betas.

  3. In October the White House will report that the complete lack of landfall hurricanes in 2016 is yet MORE definitive proof of climate change and that we are all doomed unless we do what the UN says.

  4. What a fucking stooge.
    Bloviate some vague bullshit about some vague potential future possibility of a weather threat and demand that people turn over their cash, their Liberties, and their autonomy to known liars and thieves.
    Pretty good scam.
    Al Gore’s already pocketed half a $Billion and if Obola and Jarrett (and Soros) can get that Chicago Climate Exchange operating they stand to steal $Billions, as well.
    The $Millions they rake in off the Zika scam will seem like chump change by comparison.

    Wake Up America!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. You want proof of global warming and sea levels rising?
    Just look at New Orleans!
    Why, back in the 1700’s it was above sea level, now it is several feet below sea level!
    Yes folks, there really are people so stupid that they will believe the sea level can rise in specific areas.

  6. Why just last week (May 27) that Oblowme was bragging about our “ability to set ourselves apart from nature and bend it to our will.” (NR, David French, 5/27/16)
    OK someone wrote that for him and he just said it. The same someone, probably, who said “if you like your doctor,you can keep your doctor.” Just words. don’t mean shit.
    But, as MM above notes, no one in the press can question him because they they know nothing. Oblowme can say anything and they will run with it; however, if Trump, or any Republican, says anything, they want documentation.
    What a herd of left wing swine we have to depend on for “NEWS.”

  7. Actually, the next time a hurricane hits, it’s likely to be a big one as it will be venting nine or ten years of built up heat. And this is when the Left will pronounce that the science is truly settled … in between videos of some designated minority group female mourning the loss of her children

  8. Gee, JohnS,
    What about Venice (Italy)? Doesn’t prove shit.
    Just because the sun sets after you eat dinner doesn’t PROVE that your eating dinner makes the sun set.
    You fucking stooge.

    izlamo delenda est …

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