Whaddya Call This Gang Sign? – IOTW Report

Whaddya Call This Gang Sign?


Screen Shot 2016-01-05 at 1.20.51 PMThis came during Obama’s speech on 2A dismantling.

62 Comments on Whaddya Call This Gang Sign?

  1. It is definitely a sign to SOMEONE who knows what it means. You can bet whoever it is, they hate America as much as he does. Trying to make us defenseless so his cohorts can come in and mass murder the population.

  2. Impeachmenow and throw away the key.

    Hate is a strong word and applies to anything associated with this individual squatting in the Oval Office. Including the two females from Chicago Central Casting Productions known as daughter A and daughter B. When wrong becomes right you get this maniacal ladyboy wanting a hug from the masses. Watching ValJar this morning got my blood boiling. Can we cry rape on Obama?

  3. Just as Derrick Zoolander waited for the perfect moment to drop “Magnum” on the public, Barack found the perfect moment for the “Double Fuck You” to America.

  4. Look at that asshat’s left ear where it attaches. They failed to apply enough dark color to his skin. That dude is as white as they come.
    And check out “Bite Me” Biden with the pantomimes.

    The next time we see Barry cry should be when he resigns and is whisked away by helicopter.

  5. FFS WTF is he crying about?!
    It’s not like he’s loosing his armed SS protection.

    This IS NOT normal behavior, for grown ass man, let alone a sitting US president.


  6. It’s the old “V for Victory” sign.

    The only tears are for the fact that he couldn’t outright confiscate everything more lethal than a Frisbee.

    The Right to Bear Arms is a Natural Right, not bestowed by man or any government.

    A pox on the House of 0bama, for all the ages!

  7. This was one of those times I thought he looked darker than usual. It’s my belief that they make him up to appear blacker for certain press engagements and speeches.

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