What a Dopey Bastidge David Hemenway Is – IOTW Report

What a Dopey Bastidge David Hemenway Is

I know some people think my headlines are offensive, and that’s a bad thing.

You see, I want everybody to think my headlines are offensive, because they’re supposed to be. I give no respect to dopey bastids, and this guy is a dopey bastid and I will tell you why.

Who is David Hemenway? He’s a  553a693721113.image Harvard pinhead who is busy thinking of the best way to take away your guns. He’s cleverly (not really) characterizing gun deaths as a “public health” issue.

You see, if gun deaths are a “public health” issue he’d solve the “crisis” by treating guns (not the people with the guns) as if they were a virus. So, if we eradicate the virus, no more public health issue. (Except for the people who get beaten about their blow-dried hair with a carbon infused field hockey stick.) ((Too specific??))

Meanwhile, this “expert” uses phrases like ‘assault rifle” to describe ARs, as if AR stands for assault rifle.

He repeats the idiotic claim that “you’re more likely to die by your own gun in your house than an intruder,” yet he admits he has absolutely no data on how many crimes have been deterred and prevented by home gun ownership. (This is an expert, folks.)

He manipulates cause and effect statistics like we are chumps and can’t figure out what he’s doing. For example, he says the Brady Bill reduced gun violence. The decline in gun violence started before the Brady Bill and continued on a steady and predictable path, but he chooses to say it was the Brady Bill, rather than, say, a new and improved toothpaste that came out the same year as the Brady Bill, to explain the decline.

This guy was invited to a question/answer session on Reddit. He, unsurprisingly, answered leading questions that allowed him to proffer his theories and ignored the tough pointed questions that blew holes in his dopey assertions.

Look at this stupid claim –

The evidence indicates that, all other things equal (e.g., controlling for poverty, alcohol consumption, urbanization, non-gun crime, mental health…) places in the US with higher levels of gun ownership and weaker gun laws have more gun problems, and more overall violent deaths.

What in Spock’s beard is this guy talking about? “Controlling for…”

In other words, if you put poor, drunken, crazy urban thugs in a peaceful town in Wyoming, a town with lax gun laws, you’ll probably get some gun violence.

Folks, this idiot is trying to leave the impression that it’s lax gun laws and a well-armed populace, like what you find in the state of Vermont, that will produce lots of gun deaths, rather than the “control.”  And what is the control? It’s poor, drunken, crazy urban thugs. There’s your virus. There’s your public health concern. Do you have a vaccine that will eradicate that?

It’s an entertaining thread, as long as we are confidant that this dipsh@t isn’t directing policy and whispering in Obongo’s giant ear that he should just go for it and take executive action and do an Australian-style gun ban.



23 Comments on What a Dopey Bastidge David Hemenway Is

  1. He repeats the idiotic claim that “you’re more likely to die by your own gun in your house than an intruder,”
    Interesting. We should put this to the test. Let’s arm him and he can break into my house. My father used to call ass holes like this “Highly educated idiots”.

  2. It reminds me of something Paul Harvey would say, that if you take out rises in price of gas and food the inflation rate is almost nothing, like you can factor out those things. This guy wants to factor out the most important causes for violence.

  3. You know Brad, we’re working ourselves up over nothing. Maybe we should approach this from a different direction.

    How about it if we just dare him into doing whatever he wants – nobody will comply with it regardless. I wish we could just goad Obama into executive ordering the 2nd Amendment abolished.

    I really wonder what kind of a national uber political house-cleaning would come of it?

    See, they can get rid of it ONLY if they do it through deliberate and controlled incrementalism. If they go for the big swallow, they’ll choke and set themselves back 100 years (in our favor).

    What do you think?

  4. That’s what really makes them so dangerous. When SHTF for real, they’ll riot in the streets demanding autocratic rule that puts a bread line in their neighborhood. That is asuming they don’t off themselves out of despair or aren’t plundered, buggered and eaten first.

  5. Down here in the Great State of Texas, we say this dumb sumbitch is “all hat and no cattle”.

    Guys like this will tell you that the clock that’s broke and don’t run is the most accurate one in the house, ’cause it’s exactly right, twice’t a day!

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