What a foppish dandy doxxer we have in Jackson A. Cosko – IOTW Report

What a foppish dandy doxxer we have in Jackson A. Cosko

Is the entirety of the left populated by sizzlechested, pencil-necked soy bois? It seems so.

No wonder women prefer right-wing men.

Look at this Alfalfa–>



Jackson Cosko: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know.

Jackson Cosko, who calls himself a “Democratic Political Professional” with cybersecurity expertise, is accused of multiple crimes for allegedly doxxing Republican Senators during the Brett Kavanaugh/Christine Blasey Ford hearings.

The United States Capitol Police arrested the suspect, saying he allegedly “posted private, identifying information (doxing) about one or more United States Senators to the internet,” a statement said.

According to Legistorm, he worked for U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and previously worked for Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA). A September 2018 letter from Sheila Jackson Lee (D -TX) identified him as a staffer for her office at that time. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is a member of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. (A different person working for Hassan was the intern suspended for shouting F*** you at President Donald Trump recently.)

Jackson Lee’s office identified Cosko as an intern and said he was fired because of the accusations.

Here’s what you need to know:

-Jackson Cosko Was Accused of Everything From Witness Tampering to Identity Theft

– Jackson Cosko Says He Worked for the United States Senate Through May 2018 & a Letter Indicates He Was on Jackson Lee’s Staff in September 2018

-Jackson Cosko Worked as a Field Organizer for a PAC & as a Restaurant Server

-Cosko Was an Intern for the U.S. House of Representatives

-Cosko Studied Engineering & Cybersecurity


So the guy arrested for doxxing the Senate works for Sheila Jackson Lee, the woman seen handing an envelope to Ford’s lawyers? Huh…

22 Comments on What a foppish dandy doxxer we have in Jackson A. Cosko

  1. He’ll be a man’s man once he gets to prison.
    Or several men’s man. Enjoy your squeaky farts while you can still hear them. Soon it will be like a puff of wind in a large canyon.

    As for your silverback sponsor, she won’t take the fall for you and will faithfully be re-elected by her electorate as long as da money’s keeps a comin.

  2. Nah, my website got destroyed and I’ve been banned by social media.

    All that’s left is a website store that sells tshirts and crap.

    But this Cosko kid…. damn,he posted a hell of a lot of personal info on the net.

  3. He was ordered to do it. Kick her off the committee. Kick her off every committee and then censure her and then prosecute her if he rolls over in her after he’s spent a few months in jail.

  4. thanks to Trump the Left is ultimately diminishing their dwindling support to men that can’t get laid, unless they agree w/ queers, lesbians, trans-whatever-mixed-up-gender freaks, & cast-aside ex’s & disgruntled skanks that have been rejected by real men

    Losers of the World, Unite! You have nothing to lose but your dignity!

  5. Some cyber security person he is. He didn’t know how to mask his IP address and go undetected? He’s getting his master’s degree in engineering? It will be useless to him now since he’s going to prison. No employer but McDonald’s will hire him when he’s release 25 years from prison. Stupid does hurt.

  6. With a noodle neck like his, it’s a miracle he can keep his head upright. But then, maybe his head is very lightweight. Not much substance in that skull.

    I bet that smug look on his face has been wiped off.

  7. “What’s In Sheila Jackson Lee’s Envelope?”

    Thirdtwin SEPTEMBER 28, 2018 AT 9:26 AM
    “Here’s the ones we’re going to doxx right now. The second envelope is the ones who get it later.”

    Where’s my Lebon Peace Prize lol

    And dude looks like Ossoff. Must be the soy.


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