What Am I Looking At? – IOTW Report

What Am I Looking At?

This was a picture accompanying an article about the impending closure of Gitmo.

What the hell am I looking at??

Screen Shot 2015-11-08 at 1.16.50 AM

28 Comments on What Am I Looking At?

  1. Those are conjoined twins in one of those flight suits. They’re flying upside down from what’s recommended. Right side of pic is a GoPro camera on a mount. I’m not sure why the flyer’s not flapping. This could be a hoax.

  2. This looks like an upshot of protesters who want to close Gitmo. They have black hoods over their heads and their genitals are probably attached to electrodes-you just can’t see that. They have a glow around their angelic heads because they are fighting for a just and righteous cause.

  3. i saw no facial image at finai’s link.

    The best tell-tale evidence for being a female is no detectable adam’s apple. But not definitive.

    Quite an oldster, for sure.

    It looks like an old man to me, but it could be female.

    I thought you were asking about the electrical cord around his neck. That looks like it’s a cord to a medical device the way it has a protected multi-prong end to it.

    That or a lame attempt at accusing them of shocking the prisoners.

  4. It’s The Pope’s Nose!

    In a far away place and time, every Thanksgiving, my mother would, with a long suffering sigh, get the turkey de l’année from the refrigerator.

    The source of the turkey varied from year to year. Some years it arrived at the back door with a group of drunken acquaintances who raised them every year for the Thanksgiving event, spent the day before butchering them while keeping their holiday spirits intact with bottles of whisky. Other years, a frozen grocery store bird was set to thaw a week before.

    No matter from where or how the turkey arrived, the ritual on Thanksgiving morning was always the same. The bird was plopped in the kitchen sink to be rinsed and the innards removed. My mother would always shudder. (Her mother had raised turkeys to be killed, put in barrels of brine and shipped to the west coast every fall. It was her job to help hang the birds from the barn beams, slit their throats and then later help pack them.) She had a lifetime of dislike for the taste of turkey.

    When she pulled out the neck of the turkey, she every year said exactly the same thing: The Pope’s Nose! That, would be put in a pot with the kidneys and stuff to make giblets which only she and I ate.

    And, that’s the first thing I thought of when I saw the above photograph. It’s The Pope’s Nose!

  5. I personally could go along with closing Gitmo as long as we appropriately “liquidate the inventory.” Maybe half a plane flight back to where their from. This probably makes me a hater.

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