What “Business” Would Trump Being Conducting With Kamala “Sanctuary City” Harris? – IOTW Report

What “Business” Would Trump Being Conducting With Kamala “Sanctuary City” Harris?

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Trump said he’s made donations to everyone because he wanted to be able to do business with them.

Conservative Review-

Trump donated $6,000 to Kamala Harris, the California attorney general who is, perhaps, one of the most notorious supporters of sanctuary cities in the country. In 2014, his daughter, Ivanka, also cut a $2,000 check to the queen of sanctuary cities. That was after Harris championed the despicable Trust Act, which turned the entire state of California into a sanctuary for illegals. Coupled with her activities during her first term as attorney general and her prior work as San Francisco district attorney, Harris is one of the leftists most responsible for the policies that led to the murder of Kate Steinle.


Note. I do not spike stories when they are presented to me, so please spare me the lectures in the comments that I am “pro this” or “anti-that.” This is news. Trump donating to the Attorney General AFTER she declared it a sanctuary city is distressing.

I’d like to hear his explanation, and the only way we would ever hear why, and we should be asking, is if this story gets legs.

People know who I lean towards, but this isn’t the campaign headquarters for anyone.

35 Comments on What “Business” Would Trump Being Conducting With Kamala “Sanctuary City” Harris?

  1. On the “Chinee no rike Talump” thread, I posted that maybe China wanted the Trump.Hat contract. Maybe this donatoon was to grease the wheels of his agreement with the Southern Cal firm which won the contract.

    Render unto Caesar, maybe? I dunno….

  2. “Business” in Trump’s world has a multitude of possible meanings. Maybe he thinks that being on her donor list will make it easier for him to bring pressure to bear, although sending her a rant on White House stationery would likely be better.

  3. It is disconcerting. Not that it would excuse it but I can imagine a scenario where a trusted underling makes the actual decision–based on business and not politics. Doesn’t make it right but there is no way Trump can make every single decision 24/7. As far as his early history of donating to Democrats and gradually through the years turning more to Republicans–I understand completely as I was a Democrat up until 2008 when I learned to actually do some research and think independently of by family and parents. Now I can hardly believe i was so freaking blind to the reality of the liberal progressive Democrats. Starting to have the same epiphany about Establishment Republicans too.

  4. i am anti-sanctuary, pro-kate’s law, and not defending trump, as i can’t say what was in his mind during this transaction

    i am not sure if people knew the full implications of sanctuary cities until we started seeing the ugly evidence of this leftist policy

    i think trump has made it clear where he stands now, would like to hear his take on his past decisions related to this topic

  5. So he’s “establishment” when it suits him? Isn’t that the rap the sTrumpets are trying to lay on Cruz and his wife’s former employment?
    ….just sayin’…..consistency’s a bitch… ain’t it?

  6. i can’t point to anyone in the race who has been consistent

    i am forever who can hand hillary’s large ass to her so that we can turn this titanic away from the giant iceberg ahead

  7. I mentioned here what Trump did politically to us in CA a few times.
    I was dismissed as a crank who didn’t know what he was talking about.
    More on this.
    Trump has been able to control the narrative, but mark my words.
    The moment Trump gets the nod, his ‘friends’ at NBC, CBS and CNN that have been propping him up are going to cut his legs off. Then when he looks to FOX, could anyone blame them if they jumped in too, considering how Trump trashed them and praised the other networks?

  8. @#Vetting–last person who continually told us he was a winner or was winning was Charlie “I Have AIDS and crotch rot” Sheen. But hey, as long as he’s winning…

    (Life and experience has taught me that if someone has to tell us what he is, he usually isn’t)

  9. Trump owns a 30% stake in the Bank of America Building in San Francisco. Building is loaded with financial firms and it probably was a request from one of those large financial tenants of Trump. He probably didn’t check out her background and just did what one of his clients wanted him to do. This is me just spit-balling.

  10. Milo,
    That would be a great explanation. And I wish he’d make it.
    But if we don’t get ahead of this stuff on our own terms, only to find out he doesn’t have a very good explanation, that would suck, no?

  11. Wow! Trump supporting Democrats!! Uh, because Democrats run every larger municipality in the country.

    Everyone shouting about his “record.” His record is as a private citizen, doing whatever private citizens want to do with their own money if it’s within the law. He also sent wads of cashola to Reagan’s campaign and Mitt’s campaign and the Republican Governor’s association.Does that balance it out for ya?

  12. @ Milo and BFH

    It’s highly plausible what Milo said. Over the years there have been an extreme number of business that promoted abortion indirectly/directly through donations. The businesses had no idea what they were financing until they got schooled.

    Too bad the GOP establishment and Hillary doesn’t get their colonoscopy also.

  13. Fur, it still “sucks” for me that Ted Cruz won’t give a straight-up, non-lawyerly answer on what’s up with his thinking on TPA/TPP, his wife’s “business” of five years on the Council for Foreign Relations and why Cruz is taking Geo. Soros’ side against Trump and conning for lofo votes by blaming Trump for the Left’s anarchy.

    I’d also like to know why he thinks it’s just dandy to mine my personal data off FB to use to call my cell phone and send me unsolicited SPAM.

  14. It seems there is a good reason Trump supporters shut down ideas they don’t like.
    Trump makes them sign a contract giving up free speech for life in order to help the campaign.
    The amazing part is that people are signing this contract at all.
    I suspect there are people on this site that have signed that contract, which explains much of what is going on.

  15. Boom,
    Glen Beck? Really?

    I know you don’t know shit about business, but I own a machine shop and I have filing cabinets full of NDA’s. It’s shocking Trump might use them. Jeez. What next, he doesn’t always put the toilet seat down?

  16. venturaguy; Really, a LIFETIME ban on saying anything Trump doesn’t like will keep the BLM out?
    BLM types attack police officers, you think they give a democrat about a piece of paper?
    Did you sign one of them? Or are you not allowed to say?

  17. I think we should all give it a little more time for more details to come out,keep in mind “news” can go totally the other way before breakfast.Everybody’s looking to Trash Trump.
    He just may be “Our” bully and not Perfect.

  18. JohnS — We’re busting a gut at your comment about people signing (as Brad knows) a non-disclosure agreement to be on his campaign. And if the other candidates are smart, all their people have signed one too.

    BB — That is the funniest thing! That would probably cause me to not vote for him — not putting the toilet seat down. The odds of that happening in his house is probably less than zero, unless he has an urinal in his own bathroom.

  19. JohnS:
    Having an attorney draft you up an NDA is like sending your mom to the all you can eat salad bar for you. Everything available will be on the plate whether you plan on eating it or not. You got no traction here, go find something equally as stupid so we can discuss that.

  20. JohnS — Wrong again. An NDA is a contract, therefore it has to have an ending date — usually some years distant. But, as with all contracts, it’s not what is fair, but what the parties agree to that matter. And besides, you’re making it sound like voters have signed an NDA — so who’s fudging the truth now?

    BB — All gentlemen remember to put the seat down. 🙂

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