What did Mom teach her daughter? – IOTW Report

What did Mom teach her daughter?

A dad found an inappropriately lewd text on his 12 year-old daughter’s cell phone. He took the cell phone away from her as punishment.


The estranged mother, who had joint custody with the daughter, and who paid for the phone, intervened.

She pressed theft charges. The police went to the father’s house and asked for the phone back. The father told the police that they weren’t going to tell him how to raise his daughter.

The father was arrested.

The mother took it to court saying that she also wanted to teach her a daughter a lesson – that no one, even her father, can take her property away.


No word from the mother on the inappropriate text to or from her 12 year-old.

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The daughter has disowned the father.

19 Comments on What did Mom teach her daughter?

  1. It would have been better if he had taken the phone away temporarily as punishment. When she gets the phone back, she’d find that the wallpaper had been set to a selfie of her father next to the bruised and bleeding face of her sexting partner.

  2. If all that is the case, I hope the father can stop making child support payments. If dear ol’ mom doesn’t need dear ol’ dad’s advice on how to raise daughter, then maybe dear ol’ mom doesn’t need dear ol’ dad’s money either.

  3. She’s 12 years old. Any reasonably responsible parent is involved with their child’s life, even to judicious quiet snooping. With the finding of that sexting message, think what dear daughter might have gotten involved with had Dad NOT snooped.

    With your mentality, it’s a lose-lose for dad.

  4. Lack of evidence, there was a significant lack of intellectual capacity amongst the females.
    You swam in the shallow end of the gene pool, pay your fine for being the dumbest guy in the room.
    When will the male learn to quit making babies with idiots?
    “Hay y’all, I’m drunk”. is not the pronouncement of a valedictorian.
    They have cures for that now.
    “Here’s your sign.” BE

  5. He’s only had a “relationship” with his daughter for the past 5-7 years (starting at age 7 in the story), and only part time at that.
    Sad, but time to cut the losses now, before daughter grows up twisted enough to blame dad for all the things gone wrong in her life.

    And Mom, you sound like a drug enabler. Yes, it IS alright for a parent to take things from their children, because they ARE parents. Parents are supposed to have more knowledge, wisdom, and experience, to make decisions for and in behalf of the children, to teach them, guide them, and help them grow up to be responsible adults.
    Mom, you just flunked Basic Parenting 101.

    How about if I gave your child some adult porn? Would you take it away? Or would you pop it in the player and sit down with your daughter and give them technique pointers and tips?

  6. Teach her daughter that no one can take her property from her??!

    No minor in my household has ever owned anything that couldn’t be taken away. We cleared that up early on. Oh sure, Pooh Bear was off limits, but that was about it.

  7. When that girl procreates – and you she will – odd are high that her little darlings (that’s code, BTW) are going to wind up wards of the state. UNLESS she gets a clue from some other source outside her current sphere of influence about a working structure of responsibility and authority within families.

    Parent who has taken away things from teenagers without a flinch.

  8. Mom ought to have backed dad on that, for whatever reason. Having been with such a woman who desired to be the centerpiece while encouraging our kids to rebel against me, thank goodness one of them turned out well.
    This is how these girls grow up to be promiscuious and possibly gay.
    Left that woman too.

  9. In New York State, this particular.set of circumstances would probably have no bearing on child support. If a custodial party is disobeying a court order of visitation, the case may be referred to a Family Court judge, who can suspend child support until the custodial party gets with the program and follows the visitation order to the letter.

  10. Who on Earth would give a seventh-grader an iPhone4? I’m fifty freakin’ nine years old and I have a cheap flip-open “stupidphone.” And I had the texting disabled.

    Spoilt little bitch.

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