What Do We Have Here? – IOTW Report

What Do We Have Here?


Answer after the break

That’s not brother and sister or boyfriend and girlfriend.


The one with the short hair and dressed like a dude is Jessica Rush and she cops an attitude with anyone who confuses her for a boy when she goes to a public rest room.


Now leftist media has made her their darling, #peeinpeace and Jessica has been busy documenting all the publicity on her Facebook page.

She reportedly asks her followers “Do you really think I would choose this life?”

Leftist sites like Think Progress picked it up to try to make some point about bathroom access or something.

30 Comments on What Do We Have Here?

  1. “Do you actually think I would choose this life?”

    Yep. Why is it what this freak chooses to wear and how she chooses to butch her hair isn’t her choice?

  2. “..it’s up to self-appointed enforcers of traditional gender norms to adjudicate which bathrooms strangers should use.”

    …As opposed to self-appointed enforcers of prog gender norms adjudicating which bathrooms strangers should use.

    I am shocked that these freaks aren’t taknig a sledgehammer to urinals yet. That’s coming soon.

  3. Another solution is three restrooms. One for biological males who “self-identify” as males, another for biological females who “self-identify” as females, and a third for everybody else.

    The deviants who would use #3 seem all to crave attention, so I further suggest multiple video cameras in their restroom feeding large flat screen TVs on the wall outside it so everyone can watch. Everyone who wants to, that is, and I suspect that would be rather few.

  4. @LocoBlancoSaltine – There’s historical precedent for putting those other 55 types into boxcars and sending them somewhere else. Then hosing out the boxcars.

    But I definitely suggest we don’t want to go there!

  5. Jessica’s from Dallas and we’ll see how far she can parley this incident into more publicity as Texas begins the process of making a bathroom law of their own.

    I expect to see more of her the closer they get to passing it.

  6. I refuse to comment until more clarity is provided:
    – Is that a she that dresses as a he?
    – Is that a he in transition into a she?
    – Is that a she in transition into a he?
    – Is that a he that isn’t truly transitioning into a she but takes hormones?
    This shit is so confusing
    (Deliberately so – the left basks in turmoil and attention.)

  7. Am I the only one that think she looks like a girl? If I saw her in the bathroom, I would think she was a girl who liked to dress “gender-neutral” and wouldn’t be concerned at all.

  8. The left is going to try to make her out as a victim, rather than have to answer for why men should be allowed to use Women’s bathrooms and why we now need laws to enforce common decency.

    BTW: If you read the linked article, Jessica has taken a shot at using a Men’s bathroom and was caught doing it.

    But she’s the one who’s been wronged, I tell’s ya.

  9. Kinda wonder if the left is keeping this subject alive just so people will not focus on Hillary’s crimes, O’Commie’s ineptitude, The Clinton Foundation, Biden’s gaffs, Hillary’s disaster in the middle east, Hillary’s scandals at State, Hillary’s Pay to Play schemes, Kerry’s ineptitude and treason, O’commie’s treason, Cuba making a fool out of Ocommie, North Korea making a fool out of Ocommie, Putin making a fool out of Ocommie, Ocommie’s disasterous job of ruining our economy, O’Commie’s disaster with health care, one third of American adults now out of work, third world muslim thugs streaming over the border, muslim thugs being invited into this country and getting more in benefits than unfortunate Americans, the disaster in the VA, Hillary’s emails, an impending national bankruptcy, or the intentional weakening of our military.

  10. The funny thing is, I wouldn’t have a problem with her using the ladies’ room. I don’t care how women dress, as long as they don’t have penises I’m perfectly fine with having them in my restroom. It’s the men in dresses I have the problem with.

    Does this twit understand the risk she is taking with her own personal safety by insisting on using the men’s room?

  11. @judgeroybean – Tail wagging the dog, again. Remember “wag the Dog” The book was published early 90s, it suggested the Clinton’s used Bosnia to divert from Lewinsky. We’re being played.

    Wag the Dog is a 1997 black comedy film[3] produced and directed by Barry Levinson. …

    The film follows a Washington, D.C. spin doctor (De Niro) who, mere days before a presidential election, distracts the electorate from a sex scandal by hiring a Hollywood film producer (Hoffman) to construct a fake war with Albania.

    Wag the Dog was released one month before the outbreak of the Lewinsky scandal and the subsequent bombing of the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan by the Clinton administration, which prompted the media to draw comparisons between the film and reality.[4] Critics’ reviews were generally positive.

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