What Environment Of Violence Did Reagan Create To Inspire This Leftist Attack? – IOTW Report

What Environment Of Violence Did Reagan Create To Inspire This Leftist Attack?

Damn Trump. The left was so peaceful before he came along.


Coulter attacked

Pat Buchanan attacked

Romney attacked

Santorum attacked





22 Comments on What Environment Of Violence Did Reagan Create To Inspire This Leftist Attack?

  1. Honest question. When did Coulter, Buchanan , Romney , Santorum openly ask their supporters to punch protesters in their faces and declare they would pay all their legal fees if they followed through?

    Did you even read Dianny’s piece all the way through?

    I too consider you a friend, but you gotta admit that Trump IS promoting violence. Maybe it is needed, but pretending he is not a part of it is just silly.

    You seem to like it.

    And let me add:

    And Yes, I do consider Big Fur Hat as a friend. I have his artwork all over my house and his years of dedication to the conservative cause has impressed me, and I expect it shall continue. Big Fur Hat and I agree on about 98% of the issues. We don’t see eye to eye on this particular issue (and it is a big one) but rest assured, we both believe in the same cause and want the same results. It is primary season, let’s fight now, not when Bernie is nominated.

  2. A police officer was executed today in Prince George’s County, Md. , in the station house and the responding ambulance was also ambushed. The savages that did this were…. guess.

    This is a direct result of odingas/hitlerys incitement to kill police officers. Let’s see what the media reports.

  3. Why the incessant drumroll of Trump/Reagan?
    It is an insult to Reagan.
    Come on, Trump admitted on Morning Joe that he identifies as a Democrat on economic issues. Republicans liked Reagan and gave him almost every state in the primary, (there were no open primaries back then) Trump is only ahead because of the two spoilers that are staying in until Trump has it locked in. Otherwise he wouldn’t have gotten half the states.
    Reagan had his positions almost for life, and openly ran on what he did previously. Trump was ‘born again’ recently after 40 years of cutting conservatives throats.
    Please have a bit of respect, the man is dead and can’t defend himself.

  4. Menderman, you’re acting like the left wouldn’t be doing what they are doing if not for Trump.
    That is ridiculous.

    I show you videos of the left being assholes to other people and you ask, “so when did these people ask their followers to punch faces.”

    THEY DIDN”T!!!!
    That’s the point!!!!


  5. Kewl BFH, you seem to keep getting caught in your own lately.
    It will be good to see you back on your game.
    I don’t mean that sarcastically, I have followed you for many years so I know your capabilities.

  6. I’m surprised that some of the guys of IOTWR (gosh, mental note for “Men of IOTWR” calendar) haven’t yet brought up the best example of what one does to a bully. The best friendships I’ve ever witnesses between guys (and an occasional gal) is the one that got ‘consumated’ on the playground, after school, with bare knuckles meeting bare noses. There was blood. Eventually there was a palsy arm draped across a shoulder. But there was no more being bullied.

    Turf wars — whether it was actual real estate or just the ‘turf’ of an ego — have always been vigorously defended.

  7. and no faces were punched back then. Is that a bad thing or a good thing?

    At some point we will need to devolve to their level, but I do not think we are there yet.

    It really seems to me that you think the punching is a good thing…am I right?

  8. AA, I’m well versed in the Bully thing. One mans savior is another mans Bully. Just depends on who’s side your on. I’ve seen the worst ass hole trouble makers get the hammer dropped on them by some capable man and suddenly they’re being picked on. It can be rather subjective. My oldest son was a big one for sticking up for the picked on even in grammar school. Kids got a soft heart. (And head actually) You have no idea how many times he was called a bully. My abstract post for the month.

  9. Just as the left cannot say the words “we are at war with Islam,”
    it seems the Erick Erickson’s of the world cannot say that we are at war with the left.
    We are.
    And this war is not going to end with genteel discussions where we can “find common ground and bipartisan agreement.”

    Mealy-mouthed “high road” lip service by the right is exactly how we got where we are today – on the precipice of being a socialist nation.

    So, yes, I do think faces necessarily need to be punched. It’s what happens in a “civil” war.
    There will be nothing civil about it, and it is coming.

    And not because of Trump.
    I mean, are you kidding??
    Where have you been the last 8 years?
    Obama, the president, said his minions should bring the gun to the knife fight.
    He said it in the wide-open air.
    We’re you slumbering?

  10. FUR when the violence starts, and it’s about here, face punching will not even be considered. And in their own little ways Rubio and Cruz just turned up the heat. Your average coward won’t go toe to toe. But they sure as hell will shoot at you from a distance.

  11. There is a big, BIG difference between inciting violence and responding to violence. Trump was responding to violence. Now maybe that’s pouring gas on the fire, so to speak, but just remember he didn’t start the fire or tell anyone to start it!

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