What Has Been the Most Memorable Post on This Site That Wasn’t About Politics? – IOTW Report

What Has Been the Most Memorable Post on This Site That Wasn’t About Politics?

Could be something very stupid, which, it probably was.

46 Comments on What Has Been the Most Memorable Post on This Site That Wasn’t About Politics?

  1. Hard to beat the ‘guy lights his own farts and catches cat on fire post’… yes the song posts are always good plus the tell us about you screename and the Sunday critters are a must. IMO… /Salute

  2. Personally, I prefer posts that are NOT about politics. We have become the Washington Generals (Google it), inept, rudderless, incompetent, and totally ineffectual.

    Lists are always good; best band you saw live, movies that still make you tear up, what are you reading now, what would you like to change about yourself, best advice you got from someone elderly not related to you, most admired founding father, what new skill would you like to learn in 2023, stuff like that.

  3. I don’t mean to beat my own drum, but my ice cream sandwich story was the best. It was truly heartwarming to me.

    In case you missed it….
    I was on my way home when I stopped to fuel up but before I jumped back in the truck I had a hankering for an ice cream sandwich so I went into the convenience store, grabbed my treat and got in line.
    There was a little old black woman buying something (who knows?) and was digging in her big old grandma purse to get exact change right down to the last penny.
    I was expecting her to leave with her purchase but she said to the clerk, “I would like to buy this young man his ice cream sandwich.”

    That’s awfully kind of you, I replied, but you don’t have to do that. She insisted. I don’t know why she did it. I’m not emaciated or wearing rags.

    I thanked her for her kindness and gave her a little squeeze on the shoulder and went on my way.

    Best ice cream sandwich I ever ate. It melted my heart.

    I guess she didn’t get the memo. Blacks are supposed to hate whites and Vice versa.

    It was just a wonderful moment.

    I saw my late mother, a very kind person in her eyes for a moment.

  4. Ones where we can pray for one another top the list. It’s wonderful we can do that here, no cowards running THIS site.

    After that, Lady C’s weekly animals give us a nice cleansing to atart the work week. Seeing those precious pets is always a welcome break from the tragedies of the day.

    Then, timely stuff that affects us all, the latest in inane policies or the descent into totaltitarianism we see daily. Can’t discuss some aspects of it in such a public forum, but nice to know we’re not alone.

    Next, offbeat ones like the guy who had sex with a horse or the guy who died of a heart attack while trying to bury the girlfriend he just murdered. I’d dig them up if I could link them. These are stories that have no real consequences so you don’t have to be serious ALL the time, and commenters can really shine with stuff like that.

    And you could bring back the contests too, if only for iotw imaginary bucks. Used to do that kinda commonly, be nice to salt one in once in awhile.

    In short, everything is great, be nice to have an edit feature, but otherwise keep on keeping on.

    God Bless,

  5. Also, its nice that, rarely from the commentors and never from the boss or mods does anyone tell me to shut up when I get long worded, which is most of the time. One guy actually died telling me to shut up here for which I apologize, but on balance you’ve all been very tolerant of my inability to stay anywhere near 140 characters.

    Thank you.

  6. Why don’t we try a “Most Brain Dead Celebrity Of The Week” contest. Or is that to political. Like James Cameron, the director of the Terminator series, wants to ban Testosterone. Or is that still political? It’s a target rich environment.

  7. PHenry Teapartyjim
    DECEMBER 13, 2022 AT 9:30 PM

    That IS a good one. I enjoy relatable stories that show the goodness of God and that everybody recognizes His hand like this.

    I miss some folks that appear abd disappear too, like Aaron Burr and Cisco Kid and many others besides. You can get surprisingly attached to people you will never meet here, and I’ve talked to some outside of here like Brad and Anymouse who can be very supportive about things like cancer and surgery and just life in general, and I still think of Plain Jane who reached out to me with her real name one time when God told her I needed it, and I will always regret that I could never meet this wonderful lady in the circles of this world, but I know she is in the arms of the Lord in the next.

    And BFH, MJA, and sweet Lady C have sometimes made time for me, busy as they are they can be quite wonderful in DM, and I thank you all for all you do here.

    Again, what’s not to like. I could go on, but I’m way past 140 characters.


    God Bless you all,

  8. The IOTWR sandwich making contest. Fixin’s had to be named and voted on and then the sammich made and photographed and voted on.
    Reader’s baby, childhood, young person photos which started with an angelic baby picture of MoTom (whale oil beef hooked and raise a beer to the memory of MoTom

    This is an oldie – The Big Bad Wolf, The Big Bad Wolf featuring the Little Head. A bit disgusting and I howled with laughter. Then I knew I had to join the sickos here.

  9. I agree about the pictures of us as kids and we have to guess who they are.

    Surveys are always fun and the responses are a window into each of us, whether serious, snarky or off the wall.

    Silly contests, like SNS said, for iOTW bucks! Priceless! LOL

  10. I still have my signed Irony Curtain that I won in a contest – I wouldn’t trade it for a hundred thousand IOTW bucks! And my Obama White House Tranparency snow globe that I won. Those were good times and us old timers miss them very much. No matter what Groucho tells you I only have one IOTW.com stick pin.

  11. I printed out the book recommendations from a couple of years ago (early covid time?) and have read some stuff that never would have hit my shelf otherwise. Thanks! Can we do that again soon?

    Prayer requests –and responses– have been life and faith sustaining.

    And the joke threads are feckin’ hilarious. I printed out the one of engineer jokes and still have years’ worth of material to annoy my nephew with.

  12. I’m such a newcomer and infrequent commenter that I don’t know a bunch of this stuff. But it all sounds GREAT! I’d love to participate if some/all/any of it comes around again.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah ✝️✡️

  13. In an iowntheworld contest I won some HUGE truck magnets from Fur/iotw, designed by joe6.

    (BTW joe, that should, ahem, be your avatar.)

    I think the contest was to name a hybrid of an image BFH made of Barack Hussein Obama & a tiger/lion.

    My winning name:

    Do you still have that image Fur?
    Disturbing of course…

  14. I’ll agree with the others that the contests were always fun.
    The movie names like “The House on Haunted Hillary” and things like that.

    If iotw has any more contests, simple prizes like fridge magnets or bottle openers would be cool.

    How about a fridge magnet of an “anonymous” avatar?
    Or a magnet that says “I make 80 dollars an hour online”

    OK OK, I’ll see myself out…

  15. IOTW critters,

    I have been around since the election but have not posted because really “what’s the point?”

    The end times are upon us.

    I thank you for the kind words but my despair for this once beautiful and proud country has brought me to the point of despondency. A dangerous place to be for an old patriotic vet.

    To watch the country I have loved and defended for 34 years with every fiber of my being (at great personal cost) to rotate into a satanic global pile of perversion and spiritual poison is almost to much bear as this constant parade of Luciferian filth grooming and perverting the little ones is the inheritance my Grandkids will receive.

    Only my faith for the Lord God Almighty and love for my children and pups keep me from Valhalla where my men, my sisters, my brothers, my Grandfathers Uncles,and Father await.

    No pain on earth is greater than living another day while my brothers and sisters rest in immortal glory and call out to me. I touch my 1911 like a lover now but not yet, not yet.

    My pups circle me in fear and concern, they sense my dilemma, but not yet, not yet.

    God’s hand alone protected me for decades and I will not defy his will.

    I love and appreciate all you critters as much as I hate the trolls who mock the fallen.

    Warriors have been exempted from turning the other cheek. We are old testament and wait in the halls of Valhalla for our wings and flaming swords for that final battle.

    We will host behind the angels on that glorious day.

    Praise the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost for another day of living.

  16. I posted about this on another thread, but the post that got me hooked on this site (a long time ago) was the story BFH told about being called to jury duty with a Muslim defendant and how he got out of serving. (or is that political?).

  17. @name withheld to protect the innocent December 13

    You guys r killin’ me! ha ha ha !

    If BFH will post the bikini pics I’ll send ’em! There is a yellow bikini and a brown bikini. IOTWReport bikini Edition!

  18. @Cisco Kid

    Your post touched me. My only words of encouragement are these; all is unfolding according to God’s plan and we are merely players in his magnum opus.

    I, no doubt like yourself, have had a good life, much better than I deserve, and if misery, suffering, despondency, and disappointment are in the offing, so be it. My faith is resolute and I will accept whatever fate God has in store for both myself and this great nation I call home. And when you think about it, we really do deserve the fall that ultimately appears to be coming (or is already here).

    And don’t worry about your mortal life, God will take you in his good time, not yours. Take solace in the knowledge that there are many of us out there that feel exactly the way that you do.

  19. Cisco Kid DECEMBER 14, 2022 AT 7:55 AM


    Please set aside thoughts about doing the Enemy’s work for him and removing another desperately needed stalwart warrior from his path even as we approach a time we need all of our strenght to deal with the evil in our time.

    You know the Lord that put breath in your body, and it was His decision as to when to set you in this world, and it is His perogative as to when you should leave it to be with Him. He has a purpose for all of us, for you, for me, for everyone on this Earth, and it would not seem to suit His purposes for making a man such as yourself, training him up, protecting him through very earnest efforts to kill him, only to have him do that which many of the enemines of this Nation have tried and failed to do in ending himself in a manner that would be most convenient for those who are the enemies, domestic, that he is sworn to oppose, and in a way that imperils his own immortal soul and relationship with his Lord.

    I am not a warrior and so cannot speak to you as a warrior, but I have seen for myself that everything that came before in my life was training for that which was later to come. There are many things that have happened to me in recent years that I would not have been equipped to deal with now, had the Lord not led me even when i did not know him to make decisions that equipped me for the phase of life I am in now. I will not repeat my own timeline other than to say that the Lord equipped me as a healer instead of a warrior, and that I have had to use that more times than many would see in a lifetime even when it is no longer my occupation to do so, and so I am sure He has done with you and your particular skills.

    I am no warrior, but I sense that we will have need of warriors, soon and very soon, for the protection of your children and for the nation that yet holds your Oath. Please do not deny us the gifts the Lord has equipped you with in our hour of need.

    The Lord has a purpose for you and will reveal it in his time, not yours. This is a lesson I myself have struggled with more times than I can count, but He will reveal His will by and by. It is our part to be there when He chooses to do so.

    As for suicide itself, I have dealt with this on many levels. I have wrestled in thought with the Enemy to where he has gloatingly pushed me to take my own life time and again, but then I too have heard that voice deny me the selfish pleasure, even before the Lord called me to His altar and gave me any reason to hold back. I as a young man saw many attempted suicides, some more sucessful and more earnest than others, some even unintentionally and painfully sucessful, and some where poor aim left a man unable to control his own fluids, let alone take a second shot. A police officer once ate his gun when the job got to him, leaving behind only a note to take care of his dog. A man who was so determined to leave us he lay down on a railway cutting at a bend where the train could not divert, and though not restrained in any visible way let it run right over him. And of those that died, I never saw peace in their faces. And in those that lived, I heard regret in their voices if they had any voices left to use. My own son once attempted to take his own life, and it is quite an experience to have to bind the self-inflicted wounds of your nearest and dearest and deal with the fallout later. There are few things more miserable in this life than having someone you love feel they have nowhere to turn but to Death, even with so many loved ones within the sound of their voices.

    Please spare yourself, your children, and all who love you this experience. It benefits no one but the Enemy.

    Remember too that the point of this thread is that we need a break from bad news. There will always be evil in this world, and evil is what gets reported, not the good. The world hears about it when a child dies in tragedy, not when he is born in joy. When I was a medic no one ever called me a 2 AM to tell me their life was going well and that they were at peace, so it was easy to become jaded when only seeing the bad. This is what the Interent has done to all of us, and this is what the more relaxed threads we are discussing here are meant to combat. The world is not a dark and gloomy place forever as the Enemy would have us believe. There is life and hope in it still, in those touched by the Lord, but we do not hear about them as we do those who do evil, because evil does not WANT us to. Reach out to those who know and love you best and to your Lord, and you will touch that good that is still in this world.

    I do not believe that God will let us suffer forever. Either He will return His Son to straigten it out, remove His faithful from this earth during the tribulations, or grant us yet another pass as He has so many times before an had evil defeat itself so there is more time for more people to turn to Him. Giving this world to the Enemy is not and never will be part of His plan, and He would not encourage us to do so ourselves.

    Please stay, Cisco. For your sake, for the sake of so many others, and for the sake of He who made you. OUr suffering will be but a brief candle for the joy that is to follow, and all things, even evil things, serve the Lord by and by.

    “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.”
    1 John 4

    “For the LORD your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.”
    Deuteronomy 20:4

    …one of the strenghts of iOTW is that we can lift each other up, let each other know we are not alone in this, and pray for each other at need. Let us do so now.

    Dear Lord, we come to You on behalf of a brother who is in despair at the works of the Enemy and of the willingness of petty men to serve him to their own benefit and to the suffering and deaths of others. Please Lord buoy up his faith and the faith of all of us who may be suffering from similiar struggles, make Your sign upon all who are despondent today that all of this is in Your hand, remind all that Your victory is not only inevitable, but imminant, if we can stand on Your word in faith and hope for just a little while longer. We know the Enemy tries to look very strong but that You are stronger, and that with the Lord our God, all things are possible. We pray to you for deliverance and hoping, trusting, expecting, look for that deliverance every day as no man know the day and the hour but You, and we pray that hour is right soon in Your Mercy and to Your glory.

    In the mighty name of Jesus we pray,

    God bless,


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