What if Science Discovered a Violence Gene and the Facts Weren’t Politically Correct? – IOTW Report

What if Science Discovered a Violence Gene and the Facts Weren’t Politically Correct?

The left claims they are the party of science. How would the left respond to scientists who can point to research that would explain why blacks are filling up our prisons? Would the left call the scientists racists?

Abigail Adams dropped a link in a thread about a “warrior gene” discovered by researchers. It’s been years since the discovery, but it isn’t widely known, which isn’t a mystery in a country dominated by a left-wing press.

The discovery does not comport with the left’s belief that blacks are in prison because of racism. In fact, they would say the research is racist. This post is racist. Everything that makes them feel uneasy and uncomfortable is racist.

Read about the gene HERE.

Here’s Science Daily discussing the prevalence of the gene to be more likely found in boys than girls. They omit that it’s more likely that blacks carry the violence gene than whites.

Here’s ScientiaSalon discussing the existence of the gene, but  leaving open the possibility that the socio-economic hand that is dealt to blacks plays a big part in how violent an individual will be.

12 Comments on What if Science Discovered a Violence Gene and the Facts Weren’t Politically Correct?

  1. The facts are that if I ever sensed a black person focused on me for some angry “disagreement”, I’d go for my knife of gun right then and there because they’re incapable of negotiating like adults nor turning off their brutality once it’s triggered. Many of them are out and out animals, and should be dealt with as such, i.e. be nice to them until they’re not nice, and then be ready to kill them.

  2. Fur, it occurred to me that it would be so easy for black criminal defendants to successfully make the scientific argument; it’s certainly more plausible than the Twinkie Defense. But in so doing, the other edge of that sword would give credence to an underlying biological difference and that would have an enormous social impact.

    And it is apparent that if the left can ignore the factual data about so-called global warming, they are quite capable of ignoring any proven scientific data. That by itself is all the proof anyone needs to know the left is not about facts.

  3. Brilliant observation. They could achieve their goal of ending “prison inequality” immediately and empty the jails out overnight. But they would have to admit to genetic inferiority and open the door to admitting subhuman intelligence also.

    My guess is they will let them stay in jail. Hurt feelings are worse than 15 to 25 or even life in the joint. Millions of genetically scarred inmates are a price worth paying in order to maintain victim status.

  4. the blacks in prison are there because they evaded the democrat abortion industry attempts to deal with them internally while in the womb.

    and that evasion is racist you know.

    if we would only get out of the way of planned parenthood we have a lower population of blacks and subsequently blacks in prison.

    the whole anti crime position of the democrats party is to abort the genetically inclined criminals before they commit crimes.

    crime prevention through abortion not crime prevention through punishment.

    what would be the results if we spent as much money aborting criminals before they commit crimes as we do jailing them after they commit crimes?

    very “science-y” of them don’t you think.

  5. It is well worth taking the time to read The Color of Crime http://www.colorofcrime.com/2005/10/the-color-of-crime-2005/.

    World wide, the blackness of skin is best predictor of violence – better than poverty, education, density of population,etc.

    This study is supported by “A Troublesome Inheritance” a report on genes, race and history by a retired NY Times science writer (he knew he couldn’t publish a book like this while still employed at the NYT) and “The Bell Curve” by Murray and Hernstein.

    If we’re willing to attribute positive traits to genes (athletic ability, rhythm) then we have to also give credence to genetic differences in less desirable traits.

    Genes are not absolute. Someone with a family history of alcoholism is not destined to become an alcoholic but should be ever vigilant and aware of the possibility. Ignoring the trait and then blaming one’s alcoholism on others is disingenuous and irresponsible.

  6. Slightly off topic (but in the same vein) I was reading where some researchers say they have identified the “gay” gene (or genes, I gather there are three of them) that will predict with 70% accuracy whether the child in the womb will be gay or not. They say it’s only undergone one test and needs a much larger sample but if true and they refine it I would think with the easy access to abortion along with the lax moral standards in the population today that the gay community in western civilization could disappear within three or four generations. Liberal/Progressives would abort a baby with the gay gene at the drop of a hat figuring that it just wouldn’t fit in with their lifestyle or deluding themselves that the childs’ whole life would be too difficult what with all those fascist conservatives out there. I suspect that the only one’s that would come through this would be the children of true conservative parents with actual moral values.

  7. One problem with this data is that there will be white people who are as dumb as shit, and violent as well, believing they are superior to all black people.
    It doesn’t work that way.
    We are talking percentages.
    People should still be judged by the content of their character.
    But the data would also seem to suggest that the jails are full of black people for a reason, and it’s not just blanket racism.

  8. I was wondering if there is a suspicious correlation between crime stats and the Warrior Gene’s research stats. I’m not a scientist, but this would be such an obvious question I’m sure someone has studied it.

  9. Big Pharma is drooling right now. Mandatory drugging for children that test positive for a particular set of genes, and most of those kids are on some government medical program that will pay the full cost. Brilliant!

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