What if the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Knew Nothing About Nuclear Energy? – IOTW Report

What if the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Knew Nothing About Nuclear Energy?

Watching these pundits and politicians and their brain dead citizen supporters talk about guns is funny – but it’s also frightening.

What if the NRC declared your microwave a nuclear device? Would you feel comfortable with this commission?

In this clip a politician says that people have been killed by unloaded guns. Another says people have guns that can fire 30 bullets in half a second. Don Lemon says you purchase an automatic weapon by walking in a store and plunking down 150 dollars. Another says people can purchase heat seeking bullets.

This is entertaining, for sure. But they are making policy.

14 Comments on What if the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Knew Nothing About Nuclear Energy?

  1. 30 bullets in half a second?
    60 bullets per second?
    3600 bullets per minute?
    That’s getting up into the Aegis range, isn’t it?

    I’m not sure, but I don’t think my Walther can do that.
    (not to mention how expensive it would be)

    Unfortunately (not that luck has anything to do with it), we are so mal-educated that these lying hypocrites get away with spewing total bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Don’t watch this video. I watched two minutes of it and lost 25 IQ points, which I could ill afford.
    Its sad to see so many people that are completely ignorant on a topic. The problem is they breed and vote.

  3. Auuhh,….Where do you start on this?
    The stupidity is super-nova grade.
    That little giggling college dweb with the backpack about did me in. It’s early in the day here in MO, but me Jim Beam are going to have a conference.

  4. VV.
    People have also been killed with unloaded weapons in their hands because they ran out of ammo.

    And of course those folks who go via suicide by cop and point an unloaded weapon at a LEO.

    I suppose if you had a REALLY heavy gun in your pocket and fell in a river it could drag you to the bottom.

    When Bruce Willis runs out of ammo he usually smacks somebody in the head with the pistol, then when they fall down he takes their loaded pistol and kills them, so in that case the onloaded pistol is only an accessory to murder.

    I like the bayonet angle though. Maybe butt of rifle to back of head to save ammo.

  5. Jimmah Catah has a degree in nuclear engineering… 😮

    And that’s pretty much EVERYTHING you need to know, about the state of nuclear engineering in America. 😳

  6. I really dislike uneducated opinions, learn what the puck your taking about.
    Armed gauards at IRS, federal buildings, court house, unemployment office, both parties use armed guards. The list goes on and on.

  7. I tried! I really tried, but I couldn’t make it past Mr. Spittle (AKA Uncle Bernie) with the witches.

    Nuclear grade stupid there. “Moochoman’s” warning is correct!

  8. a regulatory commission who knew anything about what they were regulating ?

    it’s made up of congressmen’s family members collecting paychecks creating regulations for the industry they are supposed to be regulating according to who in the industry is paying them. knowledge is not needed only greed.

  9. So I can walk into a gun show, plunk down $150 and purchase a fully automatic scary looking gun that shoots 3600 rounds per minute (presumably without the barrel melting) without a background check? Where is this? How do I get there? And can you lend me $150?

  10. “Armed guards at IRS, federal buildings, court house, unemployment office, both parties use armed guards. The list goes on and on.”

    Yes MikeA, but you see, that’s for THEM. We peasants can sit here defenseless as far as our Masters are concerned.

  11. Everyone I talk to is in favor of background checks before a firearm can be purchased but none of those same people can tell me what information is currently accessed by the background check system. It’s like the definition of “assault rifle.” No one can define it.


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