What If the Secretary of Defense Was Hospitalized and Nobody Noticed? – IOTW Report

What If the Secretary of Defense Was Hospitalized and Nobody Noticed?


Senior Biden administration leaders, top Pentagon officials and members of Congress were unaware for days that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had been hospitalized since Monday, U.S. officials said Saturday, as questions swirled about his condition and the secrecy surrounding it.

The Pentagon did not inform the White House National Security Council or top adviser Jake Sullivan of Austin’s hospitalization at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, until Thursday, according to two administration officials. The officials were not authorized to speak publicly about the matter and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity. More

26 Comments on What If the Secretary of Defense Was Hospitalized and Nobody Noticed?

  1. Goes to show you how little he does. He’s a puppet, just like Biden – wbo is never missed when he’s on perpetual vacation. But it’s scary how obama is stepping in.

  2. he really needs to be removed from that office
    given what he has already done and said, what will he do next?
    I don’t want to find out
    he’s only in charge of our nations military security
    what could go wrong with a person with such bad judgement running things?

  3. @ MrLiberty SUNDAY, 7 JANUARY 2024, 13:25 AT 1:25 PM

    I’ll second that!! I’ve been thinking for a while now that government is absolutely the worst idea mankind has ever had.

  4. MrLiberty SUNDAY, 7 JANUARY 2024, 13:25 AT 1:25 PM
    “What if we got rid of the ENTIRE Federal government and nobody noticed or cared? I say we try it.” Here! Here! And throw in Califeces.

  5. White House could benefit from following those home improvement shows where they gut the kitchen by trashing the entire kitchen starting with the cabinet.

  6. Hey SloJo, how’s that pandering to parasites thingy workin’ out for ya? Isn’t Affirmative Action wonderful? Gawd, you are pathetic. So are the losers you surrounded yourself with.

  7. This is actually a big effin deal; the Nat’l Command Authority is the President & the SecDef. The SecDef was in Intensive Care and the White House DID NOT KNOW ! It’s not just that they’re Clueless, it’s that NONE of these people take Nat’l Defense seriously.

  8. Word is out now the Assistant SecDef was on vacation in Puerto Rico and not informed either.

    This is the type of gross negligence that would require the SecDef to immediately fire any military officer or NCO but he is an expert at gross negligence like all of Pedo McShitpants cabinet.

    He accepts the responsibility to “do better” but apparently he still has the “full confidence” of Pedo McDickhead after a kissy face phone call.

    What a clown show, none of these evil bastards gives a single fuck about their jobs from resident on down…

  9. On a positive note, the British news isn’t reporting that he turned up dressed in an evening gown with some broad’s pilfered luggage… yet anyway. So I guess KJP and the Biden malAdninistration could put that out there as a mitigating consideration.

  10. The frightening thing is, though, that the unelected, unappointed bureaucrats were in charge, not the federally appointed person – we are truly losing our republic if we allow this to go uncorrected.

  11. Austin’s a stooge.
    He just fills a seat and is completely unaware of what he’s supposed to be about.
    A seat-warmer.
    Nobody missed him because there’s nobody to miss.
    You can’t miss nothing.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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