What in Liberace’s Lavatory is This????? – IOTW Report

What in Liberace’s Lavatory is This?????

You’re not going to believe this ad-


h/ supernightshade


49 Comments on What in Liberace’s Lavatory is This?????

  1. …you know, there’s probably a reason that homosexual “men” are PARTICULARLY concerned with anal cleanliness, but it isn’t really articulated in this ad – for which I am grateful – but I don’t remember toilet tissue otherwise being considered specific to particular perversion practices…

    …maybe buy the Sam’s house brand now instead of Cottonelle, but there IS something to be said for a tissue paper SO SOFT, it is recommended by people who have their anuses chafed raw on a regular basis…

  2. …but this is the basic problem with homosexuals. “Normies” don’t feel a need to bring their sexuality into the public arena on a regular basis, but homosexuals feel that butt-plugging DEFINES them, so they MUST be SURE that YOU not only KNOW they are gay, but ACCEPT they are gay. This is just one in a long series of attempts to normalize perversion by showing it SO often that the casual viewer becomes numb to it.

    …Just wait ’till they do one for Islamics raping their 9 year old nieces, “I like her to clean up with this before she goes back to her dolls, so I let her have TWO squares, though A!!ah only says she deserves ONE”…

  3. …I sure hope that aliens AREN’T receiving modern American TV transmissions. If they ARE, they probably figure the earth is easy pickings since it is evidently inhabited only by a half-dozen effeminate men who can’t reproduce and that the occasional girl that springs up from somewhere is immediately “converted” to male so she can shave with her dad…

  4. Sodomites are placed into every arena of our lives for a reason. The constant volley of faggotry dupes all our children and grandchildren into believing this grotesque deviance is normal. That getting poop on your pole is wonderful, even NATURAL. It is the single best way for the demons to ensure entire generations fall straight into the pit of hell.

  5. …do you think Cottonelle is aware that “couples” like this are not going to produce any LITTLE customers for their product?

    …just sayin’…

  6. It’s June. The month that a bunch of pervs and perv enablers got together and proclaimed to be Pride Month. So let’s all brace ourselves. Be glad it’s not a 31-day month. Count yourself blessed if your favorite gas stop doesn’t swap out their large coffee cups with a “special edition cup” like they do in October (I’m looking at you, Thornton’s).

  7. A nuther corporation misled by a “focus group”.
    I really don’t care what people do behind closed doors, but still have the right to be disgusted by overt, in-yer-face homosexuality and will not buy Cottonelle only to have to think of that ad!
    BTW, my mom loved to watch Liberace on TV and I clearly remember as a little kid being disgusted with that fruit and not really knowing why at the time. To this day I own no records or recordings by him for that very reason.

  8. ^^^

    …I certainly can’t tell God His business, but to my li’l human brain, that seems like it would have been an IDEAL time for a Sodomite-smiting lighting strike, @Blue Toof…

  9. “Way down there in the land of cotton,
    Good times packin’ are not forgotten,
    Reach around! wipe away! reach around!
    Pixie land.” ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

  10. And just in time for so called pride month, lucky us. The queers just need to go away and quit push their perverted agenda on all us normal people. I work with a gay guy, in fact he’s my boss and actually a pretty decent guy but he’s harmless as far as I am concerned since he doesn’t make an issue of it. It’s time for the annual politically correct June gay spoon, let the govt. approved cornholing begin.

  11. Promoting and patronizing perversion.
    And it’s absolutely unnecessary.
    They can sell toilet paper all day long without the pervert angle.
    This is WILLFUL Satanism – not an accident – not a mistake – not about “inclusion” – they have purposely, with malice aforethought, sought to bring perversion into your home.
    They can certainly sell their shit-paper without fags but they choose not to.

    Oy! Why aren’t the ragheads killing these pervert propagandists? Hmmm.
    Kind of “the dog that didn’t bark” thing …

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. I’m waiting to see the new “Tampon for Him” commercial that should be airing anytime now.

    “Feel confident throughout your busy day knowing your protected from those embarrassing leaks”

  13. geoff the aardvark JUNE 1, 2019 AT 8:39 AM
    “What would Mr. Whipple think?”

    …he’d be totally on board with it, because HE sold CHARMIN and they are likely to have THEIR sales go WAY up if this commercial gets wide distribution…

  14. Theory developing here… immersion therapy?

    As long as I can remember, the sight of two men lip-kissing, or the thought of same-sex sex causes me to have a flicker of nausea. I can’t be the only one. It’s not dissimilar in how it crops up involuntarily to that feeling recognized and heralded by Emily Dickinson’s Snake in the Grass poem.

    So… that makes me a bigot?

  15. Peter Buttagig JUNE 1, 2019 AT 8:22 AM
    “Way down there in the land of cotton,…”

    …now that you mention it, since cotton is apparently rayciss nowadays, isn’t “COTTONELLE” racist? AND sexist because of the diminutive “Elle” that was obviously culturally appropriated from noble Hispanics in yet another example of White Nationalist rape.(/s)

    …therefore, Cottonelle should be shut down IMMEDIATELY, their assets seized, their officers jailed, and the proceeds from their asset auction redistributed to offended minorities everywhere…

  16. I ask myself: Why?
    i answer myself: Queers have entered upper echelon positions and, of course, as others have stated, they have an all queer all the time agenda. Yes, it is the devils handiwork.

  17. @janitor June 1, 2019 at 9:28 am

    I know exactly what you mean. But it’s even more than that. I’m not interested in what men are ‘feeling.’ I already know how being male makes me feel. Nothing to learn in that department from other men. I AM interested in what other men are thinking and doing, however. But that has nothing to do with sexuality.

    But I don’t understand what women are feeling and I’m interested in finding out. Furthermore, I don’t need more than one to study that subject (the ‘monogamy gene’). Heterosexual men think women (in general) are amazing, mysterious, incredible and yes, beautiful in more ways than we can count, right down to them possessing the most complex biochemical mechanisms in the all of God’s Universe.

  18. On second thought, they could be making a great load of fun of the faggots.

    Faggots smell like shit.
    Faggots have jizz dripping from their assholes.
    Faggots are uncomfortable because of their stretched-out assholes.

    I don’t know. Air the commercial in Medina and then check that focus-group.
    Oh – wait – ragheads don’t use toilet paper – whether or not they’re fags – bad idea.

    izlamo delenda est …

  19. Larry: Mom, Dad, meet my new boyfriend, Bruce.

    Dad: Hi, nice to meet you Bruce. Are you clean?

    Bruce: Um…um…

    Mom: Bruce, he means do you have a clean asshole?

    Larry: Oh…sorry Bruce, I forgot to tell you my Mom & Dad always inspect my boyfriends.

    Bruce: Inspect what…why do they want to inspect?

    Dad: We want to inspect your anus, just to make sure you use Cottonelle.

    Bruce: I always wipe my anus, after I poop and after Larry…you know, after Larry makes love to me.

    Mom: Yes, Bruce, we know what Larry does. But want to check and make sure you do a proper job and use Cottonelle. We can tell, can’t we, George?

    Dad: We sure can, Mabel. and we’ve been checking Larry’s boyfriends for years. You just drop ’em Bruce, we’ll do the rest. We do several tests, sight, smell, and taste, then we insert a special anus auger up into your inside to collect a sample. We send the sample to a lab to verify that you really do use Cottonelle.

    Larry: C’mon Bruce, drop ’em and bend over. You know what to do. It feels good, too.

    Bruce: OK, hey if it feels good, I’m all for it.

  20. Jimmy JUNE 1, 2019 AT 12:09 PM

    Heterosexual men think women (in general) are amazing, mysterious, incredible and yes, beautiful in more ways than we can count, right down to them possessing the most complex biochemical mechanisms in the all of God’s Universe.

    Consider this post a hearty agreement x 100 likes.

    My dibs on Claudia is still in effect!

  21. On the other hand, Dadof4 (I’m a dad of two), competition is a good thing! 😀

    Claudia, it’s true. It’s why normal men are driven to pursue you (and it’s not just ‘hormones’ – although they work when everything else doesn’t (God’s bioengineering is clever!)). Women are the crucible of life. And thank God for it! How boring would our lives be if it weren’t the case?

  22. “On the other hand, Dadof4, competition is a good thing!”

    Agreed. I would never stand in the way of a better man.

    That said, what would I have to worry about? 😀

    Also – Dibs is DIBS! Some guys are just too late.

  23. This kind of thing is why throughout history cultures have rejected queers. They can’t just quietly live their prevent lives. Eventually the rest of the society grows weary of witnessing the bs everyday.


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