What Is Being Written About Humayun Khan Is Shameful – IOTW Report

What Is Being Written About Humayun Khan Is Shameful

If the left has taught us anything lately it is that soldiers killed in the middle-east are instant heroes, no questions asked.

These posts on the internet about Humayun Khan are over-the-top and beyond the pale ->

I want this asshole to burn in hell.

“It wasn’t like he was defending the East coast from an invasion of a foreign power. THAT would have been heroic and laudable… What he did was make himself useful to a foreign invading army, and he paid for it. It’s hard to say I have any sympathy for his death because I don’t feel like his ‘service’ was necessary. He wasn’t defending me, nor was he defending the Afghani people. He was acting out his macho, patriotic crap and I guess someone with a bigger gun did him in.”

…the drumbeat goes on. Hero! Died for our Freedom! Hero! Hero! The line to smoke Khan’s hog is endless.

–“The word ‘hero’ has been bandied about a lot to refer to anyone killed in Afghanistan or Iraq. But anyone who voluntarily goes to Afghanistan or Iraq [as a soldier] is fighting for an evil cause…

-I think that what happened to Humayun Khan is tragic, not heroic. And I think it’s really unfortunate to think that the media is trying to prop this guy up as an example of the kind of thing that young Americans should be.

-… the story of Khan tells us that heroism and humanity are not contradictory and heroism is complex. “Hero” is a problematic word that says a lot more about the people using it than the person they’re speaking about.”

-The world doesn’t need any more “heroes” like Humayun Khan … If Khan were still alive, I’d like to ask him what exactly it was that he “believed in” enough to die for. Was it, say, for-profit health care for the few or pre-emptive wars or corporate welfare or maybe the death penalty? How about strip malls, Reality TV, SUVs, or cell phones? Maybe the right to vote for the next American Idol? I’d just like some clarification.

Humayun Khan – Baby Killer

And it goes on and on. Just do a simple search of Humayun Khan is an assho… I’m sorry. Did I say Humayun Khan? I meant to say Pat Tillman.

Yes folks, these are just a few of the hundreds of columns and posts by leftists who called Pat Tillman an a$$hole, an anti-hero, a dope and a baby killer in the wake of his death. No hero to be seen here.

It takes a slippery, lying, sharia-law supporting muslim sc@mbag who supports Hillary before the left, in unison, will call a soldier who was killed in Iraq a hero.

Are you getting how it works now?

It also takes a special brand of a-hole “conservative” who will allow a leftist muslim sh!tstain to use his son as a shield and go along with it because they hate Trump, the Cruz-killer, so much.

Was Cindy Sheehan a hero to conservatives? Certainly Casey was, but Cindy was loathed.

One gets the sense that a lot of “conservatives” are cheering Khizr Khan and his anti-Trump, anti-constitution message (Khan’s assertions about the constitution are ridiculous, and the “constitutionalists” know it but are turning a blind eye to it for political expedience. Drop dead morons.)

This political season is getting worse and worse and worse. And if we end up with Hillary I know who I’m going after, and it’s not the left.


17 Comments on What Is Being Written About Humayun Khan Is Shameful

  1. I have the utmost respect for any man or woman who serves this country, whether in a time of peace or war. Captain Kahn has more than earned the respect of this Nation.
    I cannot I say the same for his father.

  2. Hillary is allowing Khizr Con to use political Jihad on Trump. Islamic Terrorism and Progressive Liberalism are one and the same. Both share the same goals. Khizr disgraced himself by using his son’s sacrifice and service to pit one party over the other and using him as a political tool. Captain Humayun Khan sacrificed his life for all Americans, not just a select few.

  3. Unholy Alliance: Muslims and Communists:
    [site requires cookies to be enabled]

    The Progressive-Islamist Alliance

    There is more material. Google for it, if you are interested.

    The communists and the muslisms both think each will come out on top at the end. I think the leftists will be either enslaved or kicked into mass graves at the conclusion of this alliance, if it were successful in destroying Western civilization – its primary goal.

  4. “The military is poisoned with militants, activists and traitors.
    And those are the brass.”

    Damn Fur! Think I remember you saying you never did, but you sound like you did.

  5. My late father was Naval Academy grad (1942), a submarine exec and skipper who fought in WWII, and retired after a full career. My 96-yr-old mother was also a Navy Officer (yes, a commissioned WAVE officer) during WWII and worked in intelligence stuff so classified she STILL won’t talk about it.

    So it is particularly painful for me to say that I can no longer respect anything about the US military save for notable exceptions. Yes, there are still patriotic and valorous people in the services, but they are embedded in a system that has been taken over by lefty, politically-obsessed, initiative-free, squishy, cowardly jerks – and those negatives become more common the higher the rank.

    (FWIW, I did a three-year enlistment in the Army from early 1969 to late 1971, honorably discharged as E-5.)

    The valorous are the EXCEPTIONS. Most military people I run into today aren’t worth a pail of warm piss. And that’s a painful shame.

  6. My daughter is getting out of the military later this year. She is sick and tired of the leadership (or lack thereof) she has encountered as an E6. She wanted to make a career out of it but will leave after over 8 years.

  7. Go after the non-Trump supporters…. I get it now>>

    If someone quietly sits at home and doesn’t support Trump that is somebody’s right and there is no way for me to “go after them.”

    When someone actively campaigns against Trump, telling me I am voting for an insane man, and I’m an asshole, ill-informed etcetera etcetera, I don’t care how they want to parse it, that person is campaigning for Hillary, and I’m going to go after them. It’s a reflex, I loathe the left and anyone who aids and abets them.

    If it’s a 2 man race and someone goes around telling everyone not to give water to one of the runners, I don’t care how many ways they try and explain that they are not helping the other runner win, they are, are they not?

    You don’t have to give the runner water, that’s fine, but as soon as you start telling everyone else not to give water to the runner you are “proactively” helping the other runner to win.

    As I said to Menderman very early on in this, I had no problem with him not voting for Trump, as long as he kept quiet about it.
    The second you start soapboxing about it you are proactively trying to get others to join your cause, otherwise, why are you repeating over and over and over again that you’re not voting for Trump?
    We get it. Duly noted. Stop it now or else you’re helping Hillary, which makes you my enemy.

  8. I have said it many times over the past few weeks and I’ll say it again: I intend to vote for Donald J Trump in November to stop Hiliary from ever stepping foot in the White House again.

    Have you missed that?

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