What is Chinee Newspapuh Saying About Trump? – IOTW Report

What is Chinee Newspapuh Saying About Trump?

You think they heard Trump talking about renegotiating unfair trade deals?

Excerpts From The Global Times –

Trump’s mischief has overthrown a lot of conventional norms of US political life.

His remarks are abusively racist and extremist, which has left an impression on the US public that he is intentionally overthrowing political correctness.

Trump’s rise was not anticipated by most analysts and observers. At the beginning of the election, Trump, a rich, narcissist and inflammatory candidate, was only treated as an underdog. His job was basically to act as a clown to attract more voters’ attention to the GOP. However, knocking down most other promising candidates, the clown is now the biggest dark horse.

The rise of Trump has opened a Pandora’s box in US society. Trump’s supporters are mostly lower-class whites, and they lost a lot after the 2008 financial crisis. The US used to have the largest and most stable middle class in the Western world, but many are going down.

That’s when Trump emerged. Big-mouthed, anti-traditional, abusively forthright, he is a perfect populist that could easily provoke the public. Despite candidates’ promises, Americans know elections cannot really change their lives. Then, why not support Trump and vent their spleen?

The rise of a racist in the US political arena worries the whole world. Usually, the tempo of the evolution of US politics can be predicted, while Trump’s ascent indicates all possibilities and unpredictability. He has even been called another Benito Mussolini or Adolf Hitler by some Western media.

Mussolini and Hitler came to power through elections, a heavy lesson for Western democracy. Now, most analysts believe the US election system will stop Trump from being president eventually. The process will be scary but not dangerous.
The US had better watch itself for not being a source of destructive forces against world peace, more than pointing fingers at other countries for their so-called nationalism and tyranny.


ht/ fdr in hell

28 Comments on What is Chinee Newspapuh Saying About Trump?

  1. What a bunch of pitiful vitriol emanating from a slimy bunch of Marxist thugs, killers and brutal strongmen. With slime bags like them against him how can Trump do wrong! The Chinese Communist leadership collectively make up some of the lowest life forms on the planet!

  2. “Trump supporters are mostly lower-class whites.” The Chinese
    are getting their information from The NY Times, National Review, The Weekly Standard, George Will, Jonah Goldberg, and other upper-class whites.

  3. Saying that the Chinese are ripping us off and selling substandard products is not racist. It’s the truth, at least if you believe Toyota and many OEM car manufacturers. Chinese crap parts will void your warranty. A clutch for my son’s Toyota pickup only lasted 30,000 miles. Versus 180,000 for Japanese made. So I guess I’m not racist. I tow an 18,000 pound 5th wheel with my Ram dually, and I wouldn’t dream of putting Autozone made in China brake pads on it.

    Anyone who restores vintage cars sees this complaint every day on car forums. All the made in China parts are CRAP. If they supplied this junk to the Chinese army they’d be in the concentration camp!

  4. Let’s see if I got this straight:

    GOPe don’t like Trump
    DNC don’t like Trump
    RNC don’t like Trump
    WaPo don’t like Trump
    NBC don’t like Trump
    ABC don’t like Trump
    Soros don’t like Trump
    CBS don’t like Trump
    NYT don’t like Trump
    DWS don’t like Trump
    BS don’t like Trump
    HRC don’t like Trump
    MSLSD don’t like Trump
    CNN don’t like Trump
    Cruz don’t like Trump
    #BLM don’t like Trump
    L’il Marco don’t like Trump
    MoveOn.org don’t like Trump
    Kasich don’t like Trump
    Occupy Wall Street don’t like Trump

    and NOW the fuckin ChiComs admit that they don’t like TRUMP!

    seems to be a pattern, here …

    Only the Americans LIKE Trump!

  5. “The rise of Trump has opened a Pandora’s box in US society. Trump’s supporters are mostly lower-class whites, and they lost a lot after the 2008 financial crisis.”

    Bullshit! The person who said this has no idea who I am, and if I lost anything in 2008. The one thing I did lose in ’08 was respect for who is in the White House and respect for the Presidency. I have zilch respect for the media and for people who write trash like the above statement.

  6. P.S. If there’s any lower than white class trash it’s Chinese people on a cruise ship that has no manners. I hear so many comments about them on cruises that I see white people fighting back when they get in front of them. I’ve scraped a few heels with my shoes. 🙂

  7. ” the Chinese are ripping us off and selling substandard products ”

    My one major disagreement with economist/columnist, Sir Walter Williams is his belief in the affirmative that the US military ought to reduce munitions expenses by buying from the Chicoms. Makes me cuss my radio every time.

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