What It Must Feel Like To Be A Dem Right Now – IOTW Report

What It Must Feel Like To Be A Dem Right Now

We’re starting our 3rd week of the Trump Administration and even woefully understaffed as the Executive branch has been, Dems are reeling from the rapid fire changes being launched from the WH.

Some clever YouTubers took an old meme from a Japanese computer game with famously bad English translations and repurposed it to catch the spirit of the revolution we are currently undergoing.


More on the original Zero Wing meme Here

h/t Ace of Spades

9 Comments on What It Must Feel Like To Be A Dem Right Now

  1. It’s been a long time since that was around!

    Everyday it’s a media frenzy, on what, they don’t
    know, but it’s a frenzy!

    He’s rocking their little safe places, ’bout like
    smacking a wasp nest, only the wasps have dull stingers.

  2. I hope it feels really crappy for a long , long time, they have put us and the whole country through hell.
    At this point I don’t care how they “feel” , I want them to see the errors of their ways and reject the evil that has been guiding them.
    That is the only thing that will heal this country.
    Pray for them to turn to the light , and reject the darkness.

  3. I’m thinking what’s it like to be a Republican/Conservative/Trump voter right now. Your life is at risk. Bay Area conservative meet at undisclosed locations in fear of bodily harm. Libtards have exposed them selves as the true Nazis

  4. The Schadenfreude is strong in me.
    If it was possible to make my coffee any stronger I wouldn’t need to eat.
    All their base are belong to us.
    I shall repeat that to Liberals and make them hiss like cats.

  5. Too funny!

    Hey, BB, what happened to conservatives in CA? Surely they can outweigh a bunch of sissy atifa’s, yes?

    It’s actually better they meet in secrecy so the left can’t twist their plans/messages. Keep ’em off balance. Well, more off balance.

  6. I googled *fascism” and got a confusing definition. It’s now a right wing. Who knew.

    I checked Miriam-Webster and that definition sounded more like life under the Obama administration.

    I don’t think these kids know what they want.

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