What It Was Like Weighing 350 Pounds – IOTW Report

What It Was Like Weighing 350 Pounds

Return of Kings:  It’s a no brainer that being obese versus being physically fit and attractive is a no-contest comparison. Speaking from experience on both sides, it’s one thing to hear it and it’s another thing to step out of one world and into another.

The people around you will change their opinion of you and see you as a different person, thus altering your environment and opportunities, for better and for worse.

I came from a very broken home which has caused me to be massively overweight throughout my junior and high school career, weighing over 350 pounds. You could imagine how damaged I was mentally and I had no relationships with the opposite sex or my peers.

It did not matter how much game and effort I could put into girls; the best I could ever hope to accomplish were other ham beasts like myself. This was a problem that was preventing me from living life.

The Plight Of Being Obese

I spent the most of my entire high school career in a shell and satisfied myself with video games, chat rooms, and pornography, until finally, in the beginning of my senior year, I had a mental breakdown that I desperately needed. more here

8 Comments on What It Was Like Weighing 350 Pounds

  1. I’m a gym rat. An old gym rat now. Still, barely hanging onto the big fish in the little pond designation. However I gotta say the competition is not what it use to be. I’m on a three day split and my average lift is an hour 15. Chest and shoulders is a good hour and 30. I’m an old school lifter. Young people train different now days and it’s a big plus for the ladies, not so much for the guys. And damn we have some smoken hot women at our gym.

    So when I hear someone say “I came from a very broken home which has caused me to be massively overweight”, I call bull shit. Having said that this guy deserves some big high fives for finding the gym. It’s an awesome place. And yes fat shaming should be motivation. Unless you’re riding an electric shopping cart.

  2. I once gained 10 pounds in about a month.
    That was a huge red flag and I immediately took action.

    I cannot imagine certain milestones being eclipsed without taking action.
    You hit 200, 225, 250, 275, 300 FUCKING POUNDS AND YOU STILL KEEP EATING!
    What about the clothing expenses?
    If I have to buy a new belt I’m emptying my fridge and pantry.

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