What Level of Sickness is This? – IOTW Report

What Level of Sickness is This?

she thinks she’s angelic–

38 Comments on What Level of Sickness is This?

  1. Angelic? I read where 1/3 of the heavenly beings followed Satan when he was cast out of Heaven. I don’t think this woman would be considered angelic, unless she is one of the “fallen”.

  2. This is continuous and repetitive psychological stimulation, in an effort to drown out the conscience. Because they know that once the stimulation stops, the reality of what they have done will consume them—as it should.

  3. That’s a harsh looking woman. In ten years she’ll blow up like a dirigible and nobody will be able to make any sense out of those tats. She’ll be the skankiest bitch in the trailer park and committed to going to hell.

  4. Reminds me of the meme…

    No matter how good she looks right now, somebody somewhere is tired of putting up with her shit.

    Celebrate? If she doesn’t regret it in this life, she will the next.

  5. This grieves my heart. A beautiful baby boy is alive and well in the Kingdom of Heaven. I pray this deceived and broken woman will have an encounter with Jesus, and go on to meet her son one day.
    Where sin abounds, Grace much more abounds! Romans 5:20

  6. “It’s really late and I’m lit but I really look angelic in this photo”

    Like any whore in any red light district around the world if she, he, it claim to. Why you need five gallons of ink to bring those “angelic” qualities to light?

  7. Even she can find redemption through Jesus but right now she’s like a living illustration of a lot of warnings in Proverbs.
    Her friends are as messed up as she is apparently.

  8. DavidW beat me to it; she’s angelic all right, one of Lucifers angels.

    I think all murdering criminals should throw a party of affirmation after gunning someone down.

    It would be tres chic among the Democrats…

  9. Brad
    APRIL 14, 2022 AT 10:27 PM

    “In ten years she’ll blow up like a dirigible and nobody will be able to make any sense out of those tats.”

    …it happens. Wanna hear a short song about it?


    “When Ethel was just 19 and her parents were in her face
    She got herself a tattoo in a very private place
    And only by her own true love was it to be seen
    Or her family physician, or a drunk crowd that offered beads
    It was a tiny tattoo with a little tiny dove
    With a tiny word, and that word it was love
    Well 30 years have passed now, thirty years that have been rough
    Four marriages, three children, forty diets and lot’s of sun
    And the teeny tiny tattoo with the teeny tiny dove
    Is now a pterodactyl and the word, it is lllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove”
    -Heywood Banks, “Teeny Tiny Tattoo”

  10. Is this one of those “next thing” things? Get irresponsibly pregnant so you can become a courageous abortion victim on social media. I’m surprised she doesn’t have a GoFundMe for the after party.

    And am I reading her name right? C. Hate? “See hate”.
    Is this aptonym week or something? We had max boot and now see hate.

    What a world. Come Lord Jesus!

    Watch and pray.

  11. Bob
    APRIL 15, 2022 AT 9:25 AM
    “Not even at closing time would that thing ever appeal to me. Ever.”

    A stiff dick has no conscious.

  12. clayusmcret
    APRIL 15, 2022 AT 9:44 AM
    “Never dip your wick into crazy.”

    A stiff dick doesn’t worry about consequences.

  13. Yes, praying for this woman lost soul is the right thing to do. Her demonic actions and attitude cry out for redemption through Christ.
    By her statements it shows deep down she knows aborting her baby is wrong. Despite how gleefully she sacrificed her baby to Satan. No amount of drugs, sex and like minded fellow demonic “friends” can change the fact she teminated a precious, innocent life. Blood is on her hands. God help her.


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