What sort of CGI are they using on Oprah? – IOTW Report

What sort of CGI are they using on Oprah?

This is Oprah surveying her property after a mud slide-

This is Oprah on a magazine cover-

Here she is at the Golden Globes-

Who is this in the woods?

60 Comments on What sort of CGI are they using on Oprah?

  1. Remember the “anti-fat images” used on a skit about her as a joke?

    Okra is 100% manufactured image. Anybody who needs to add cauliflower to her mashed potatoes definitely needs a managed image.

  2. That’s why make up artists are truly artists.
    I hope she pays hers awfully well because they are miracle workers.
    They must have started on her at about 5 in the morning to get her ready for the G. Globes.

  3. On another note, what she trying to accomplish by having herself filmed walking around her muddied mansion? Does she want us to feel bad for her? There is a purpose to everything she does.

  4. She looks the same, only older, as she did in The Color Purple.
    Have you ever seen Kathy Griffin sans makeup, she would scare buzzards off a gut wagon.
    This crap is where teenagers get the idea they are ugly.
    Inner beauty is way better than outer, possessing both naturally, a gift from God.
    Inner beauty can be learned, outer can be applied with a trowel, a big brush or CGI.
    It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.

  5. “You’re so vain …”

    “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”

    I guess that if she just tried to be herself, her acolytes and sycophants would be soundly disappointed.

    I have a kind of pity for those who reject themselves in the name of Mammon.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I saw a demonstration of real time dynamic computerized makeup on newswoman Claire Shipman. She looked a LOT better in the studio as compared to live in front of the White House.

  7. They were showing one of her mansions on TV a few years ago, (saw it online on the Brit trash channels) and she had a ‘wig room’. small curly ones all the way to some huge Louis the XIV stuff.

  8. For heavens sake, are we stopping to the level of progressives.

    Anyone who hasn’t known that we don’t see the ‘real’ of any celebrity, needs to realize Santa isn’t real! ANY of them, from Hollywood to MSM, and even congress; (look at pinned, propped, tucked Pelosi), are polished by makeup artists, before appearing on screen.

    Oprah has plenty of fodder in her trunk to attack, without farting personal. Anyone remember her racism charges over the expensive purse debacle in Switzerland (I think). Stories have been told about how wretched she is and racist, and privileged she is, for years. I doubt she even knows what ideology she has, other than riding on the ‘oppressed, abused, black girl story.

    Like a true socialist, she tosses token freebies to her audience, to ensure her following. Power is all she wants, other than a big fence around all of her properties

  9. Mighty Mojo — Huzzah! You nailed Winfrey’s ideology. She has talked about God and Jesus the way most cultural christians do; he’s not their personal savior, it’s just a family legacy — like being “raised Democrat.”

    (I actually liked “farting personal.” Thought it was intentional, as in “out-gassing on Oprah’s looks”).

    I don’t know how Oprah Winfrey got her start, but she reminds me a lot of a successful Glenn Beck in terms of personal promotion. No matter what she looks like, she monetized nothing into something. Isn’t that the American way? I don’t like her politics or her racism, but I don’t watch her or pay attention to her, either.

  10. Just imagine the make up artist she can afford. She is my age and looks 10 years younger in the right makeup and lighting.
    I wonder what she looks like without all the help?
    I guess the old ugly black man photo is it.
    And the Brillo pad hair must be the real deal too.

  11. Anybody remember Mr. Hat’s cartoon with Moose having her wig tightened?
    THAT’S what she looks like.

    A phony mugwhump.
    Phony Christian.
    Phony racist.
    Demagoguing caterwauling nothing-burger.
    A true icon of our times.

    izlamo delenda est …

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