What the Hell Did I Just Watch??? – IOTW Report

What the Hell Did I Just Watch???

From the start I have to warn that this is NSFW. It’s a National Geographic type clip with an old Hindu looking dude doing something very squeam-inducing to his “deek.”

He performs his act, which is like nothing you will see at the Big Apple Circus, and afterwards he is treated as a god of sorts, and he blesses some guy’s wool hat.

(I love how he “chalks up” before his act, like a weightlifter.) ((We could use a translation of the narrator who is jawing incessantly during the entire clip.))

Just remember, we can learn so much from these peoples. It’s important that we have this sort of diversity leeched into our culture.

This was sent in by Moe Tom, who might’ve been hitting the sauce before hitting the send button.


26 Comments on What the Hell Did I Just Watch???

  1. I think it’s safe to say that Moe Tom might have been into the sauce.
    But still…how do you guys come up with this shit?

    I see he has a variation on Paltrow’s taint-steaming trick.
    This dude uses smoke.
    Somebody needs to buy that village a TV.

  2. Career day at school…..
    Teacher – Jimmy, what does your father do for a living?
    Jimmy – He wraps his schlong around a pole and lets guys stand on it. Then they all give him money and he blesses them.
    Teacher – Jimmy, that’s a wonderful thing. Julie, what does your father do?
    Julie – He is a biologist who is developing genetically modified wheat that produces higher yield with less water and fertilizer, with the hope that it will feed millions of starving people!
    Teacher – EWwwwww! He’s evil!

  3. What? Who? Me? It’s 5 am. I just woke up to six inches of snow.
    I’ve got to cancel my dental appointment. Last ting i bemember
    was the wife yellin at me for dippin a chicken wing in a bowl of cherios. Cultures are strange things, Specially different ones.
    What was the final score?

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