What the hell do people think club soda is? – IOTW Report

What the hell do people think club soda is?

I went out to prepare for the hurricane that is probably going to be a tropical storm.

I figured I get some gas, water and trail mix. No, I’m not getting the bread and milk.

One gas station was out of gas. 7-11 had gas.

Walmart had a sign saying they were out of water. I went in anyway.

Out of water? There was an entire aisle with bottle after bottle of club soda and seltzer. I have my drinking water.


64 Comments on What the hell do people think club soda is?

  1. BTW, the Seltzer I bought has zero everything. it is WATER with CO2 in it.

    Chalupa. Buy the drink enhancers that come in the little squeeze bottle.
    One squirt turns club soda into whatever it is you want it to be.
    They have dozens of flavors.

  2. I used to like drinking tonic water. Guess the quinine would be a bonus if you have a lot of mosquitoes.

    People often forget the 40 or 50 gallons in the water heater. It’s good to have a good water filter on hand too.

  3. In a survival situation you can drink the liquid from can goodsi.e.,water from caned tuna,fruit juice from sliced pineapple and other like items. Also remember that your water heater is a source of clean potable water. Living in So.Cal. earthquake country I keep a five gallon bucket of survival food in the house. 30 day supply for a family of four about $70 dollars at Wal-Mart. Storm, earthquake or any SHTF event you should already have long storage food on hand. Can goods and ammunition hard to have too much of either.

  4. +1 for filling the bathtubs now, while you have clean running water.
    Handy for flushing the toilets after the water pressure stops (no electric = no water pressure).
    Get out all the big pots, fill with drinking/cooking water. Fast, easy, costs nothing.
    Toilet paper, batteries, radios, flashlights/headlamps, candles, firewood, and comfort foods that don’t have to be cooked.

    Hurricanes are unpredictable, and forecast tracks are just guesses. Plan for the possibility the storm comes your way.

    Be safe, everybody.

  5. I just checked, I have about 1350 gallons of rain water right now in totes and barrels. Plus two 5-gallon bucket filters full.
    I need to get a couple more 330 gallon totes, then I’ll have enough.

  6. You might want to take a drink of this water before you lose your fresh water supply. You might need to rinse out the Seltzer water and replace it with tap water. Seltzer water tastes like baking soda added to water.

  7. We got a whole house generator about 7 years ago, but before that the power would go out at the drop of bird poop on a line. Since we have a well and septic, we would be instantly out of water.

    Once when the power went out when I was in the shower, I had to rinse off using cans of flavored seltzer. It works. DH had to bring me about 5 cans of the stuff. Fortunately it wasn’t in the refrigerator.

    p.s. seltzer water is great for removing stains in carpeting. Pour it on the spot, let it set for a few minutes and then rub well with a clean rag.

  8. Salt is an electrolyte
    In medicine, electrolyte replacement is needed when a patient has prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, and as a response to strenuous athletic activity. Commercial electrolyte solutions are available, particularly for sick children (oral rehydration solutions) and athletes (sports drinks). Electrolyte monitoring is important in the treatment of anorexia and bulimia.
    That’s why it’s in sport drinks.

  9. My family was in SW FL (Fort Myers) for Charlie, Ivan, Katrina, Jeannie, Wilma and whichever others. Once we left, FL hasn’t had a hurricane since. It’s been a while huh.

    Charlie was an adventure, it was bearing right down on us but turned to nuke Punta Gorda to the north at the very last minute.

    Cell phones worked for maybe 2 days then the tower batteries ran down. Ice was the valuable thing, (Dude I know where you can score some ice, grab your cooler and come with me!)

    Everyone was having cookouts to use up their meat and condiments. Block party!

    Gas was scarce for a while. Every night we went to sleep to the sound of generators everywhere, but we didn’t have one.

    I believe we went 5 days without power at our house but my office got a generator and we worked pretty much every day, didn’t miss a beat. Charged up batteries there.

    No riots, no unrest, no looting that I heard of. People who went north to volunteer with the Red Cross were stunned at the devastation, looked like a war zone. Brutal! And that was only a category 2 when it hit.

    Ivan was terrifying, it had the highest recorded wind speeds of any hurricane when it was out in the Caribbean, it would have been a category 6 if the scale went that high.

    For a time, a day or 2 I think, the eye of Ivan was projected to go right up the peninsula of Florida like a catheter up a dong. But then it didn’t.

  10. Not sure if this’ll translate to being readable – but the weather wonks & weenies are getting worked up over this model run from earlier this morning. Looks as if Matthew will loop back over the Bahamas & then Florida next week. That stated, model runs are not necessarily the definitive, ‘its gonna happen’ declaration. Just something to think about


  11. >> Buy the drink enhancers that come in the little squeeze bottle.

    BFH, the chemicals in those enhancers are about as good for you as Hillary’s cackle on loop with volume at 11 while the storm passes.

  12. Marcone nailed it. Bfh, I was right third in PSL, the pizzle do shizzle, for Charlie, Frances, Ivan, Jean in Aught 4, Wilma in Aught 5 and Katrina in Aught 5.

    Due to those storms the utility companies hardened their infrastructure heavily. But even back then psl’s water kept running and so did Bellsouths landlines. The cell towers stayed up to. I had Metro Piece Of Shit.

    Go to Sam’s and spend the $200 for an Igloo Sportsman 50 At. Keep your perishable food in that. Get a 150 at regular Igloo for $70. Keep your ice and drinks in that. Only go into your coolers 2-3 times a day to quickly grab your shit then keep lids closed rest of the time. Ice really is a luxury.

  13. Fucking autospell. Qt,not at. Thurr not third.

    Get a decent manual can opener. No power, electric can opener no workee.

    If your house has one of those newfangled tankless instant hot water heaters, rip it out and install an old fashioned tank water heater. Minimum of 50 gallons.

    If you have a hot tub or pool, there’s your bathing facility right there. I had both. I poured liquid chlorine in the pool to keep ahead of the algae. I kept the insulated cover on the hot tub at all times. It stayed warm for four days. Aahhhh!!

  14. Technical points:

    Seltzer is mineral water plus CO2. Composition varies with source or the recipe of the artificial seltzer maker, but it usually contains NaCl and other salts/electrolytes.

    Club soda is plain water plus CO2. No salt. No electrolytes. No nothing’ but H2O and CO2.

    Quinine tonic of the non-diet variety has more sugar/sweetener in it than just about any other soft drink. This is because quinine is extremely bitter. A few of us like tonic water w/out gin or vodka (but maybe with lemon or lime) but most people find it unpleasant.

  15. The best thing about a hurricane in Florida is here in Chicago area the weather stands still about 65 to 75 degrees, usually sunny and very pleasant for about a week. Perfect weather.

  16. My wife buys flavored spearkling water, La Croix or some other crap. It sucks.

    However, having lost the battle to get anyone in the house to replenish the fridge with plain old bottled water or even soda, I’ve gone after the sparkling water on occasion.

    It’s taken about a 12 pack of sparkling water, but it’s not really that bad. I no longer sit there with a can in hand thinking the radon infused tap water over ice would probably be better. I kind of like the sparkling water now.

  17. OK,I filled up my bathtub,
    Instead of bottled water, I got 200 bottles of Yoo Hoo and a case of Milwaukee’s Best.
    No trail mix around-so I stocked up on cookie sprinkles.
    BTW I live in Ohio.

  18. I keep tonic water on hand always. Tastes like crap unless mixed with gin, but it contains quinine, which is good for leg cramps.

    Club soda vs seltzer story: we were in PA for a family reunion and went in search of club soda for mixing Old-Fashioneds. Nobody had a clue what we were talking about. Ended up with seltzer…

  19. Save empty gallon or half gallon plastic jugs (from milk, juice, whatever) after washing out and drying them thoroughly. When a storm is coming, fill them with tap water and freeze as many as your freezer will hold. You will then have a source of ice for keeping things cold or for drinks (need icepick or something similar for that). Once the ice melts, you can use it for drinking water. This is what we do.

    I can always tell when there’s a storm in the Gulf, because my wife starts freezing water.


  20. DOLLAR TREE chain is a Prepper’s paradise.
    Every item is exactly $1.
    Catholic style votive candles last 30-40 hours each. 10-packs of wooden kitchen matches. 9×12 clear plastic painter’s tarps. Cheap wrenches/screwdrivers. Work gloves. OTC Meds & first aid supplies. Cheap canned meats. UHT 1Liter cartons of milk, like Europe, no regrigeration needed. Some locations carry Sterno. Toilet paper, paper towels, 150-packs

  21. One of the most memorable and wonderful times our family spent together was during a snow storm that took out the electricity just in our neighborhood for three days. Someone hit a main power pole. Gas stove to cook on, fireplace for heat. We slept near the fireplace with all the blankets in the house, played board games and conversed. I said that the only thing that could make it even better was a big bad concert on AM radio and we found a station playing just that! We all fell asleep around 7:30 p., woke up to the lights on and felt very disappointed.

  22. FBH, I know you’re from up north, so you must not have been taught this as a kid, but: Why buy water at all? Get a jug of bleach.

    2 drops of standard strength household bleach purifies 1 quart of water. Filter out any particulates first, add the bleach, and wait 30 minutes to drink. If the water is cloudy, double the bleach and the wait time.

    The mnemonic is “21 to drink”. 2 drops – 1 quart.
    2+1=3, to remember 30 minutes.

    Be sure to get plain bleach with no additives. Given that’s roughly 91,000 drops in a gallon of bleach, you could easily purify 6000 gallons of even dirty water with one jug.

  23. BFH, you do realize that your water heater has 40-50 gallons of water in it, right? That’s enough drinking water for one person for more than a month. There is even a little faucet at the bottom that is gravity fed. No electricity needed.

  24. @harbqll: I agree with you on not buying water, but you’d better make sure you’ve got some drinkable water put aside, because bleach won’t help you when the storm contaminates all the regular freshwater sources with seawater.

  25. My good angel on my right shoulder hopes you are safe and asks me to pray to keep it off shor.

    The devil on my left shoulder keeps hoping the eye passes over my future retirement planning home down south so I can remodel from the concrete slab up on the insurance company.

  26. @ Deplorable PJ…We are renting a house, first time ever with a well. When the Ice Storm hit the Raleigh area in Jan. I realized too late that indeed there is no water ‘cuz the pump in the well is electric. Now we keep water on hand. *Change it out every now & then.

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