What was going on with Hillary’s eyes during Philly speech? – IOTW Report

What was going on with Hillary’s eyes during Philly speech?

Looks like she needs the prism glasses again. Whatever is screwy in her cranium is acting up again. One of her eyes is off its trolley.


22 Comments on What was going on with Hillary’s eyes during Philly speech?

  1. Probably every community has it’s local “questionable character”. When I was a kid, ours was Frankie Blastovitch (may he RIP), who scared us kids as he would run up and down the street flapping his arms like bird wings and would suddenly stop dead in his tracks and cup his hand to his ear and the other hand to his mouth as if on a pay phone and have a complete conversation. Frankie had “run away eyes” like her – but he was harmless.

    I don’t know what Hildegard is on but they need to adjust her dose.

    I notice the only rise she elicited from the students was the mention of Bernie and Free.

  2. When I was a kid a guy in church had severe brain damage from the war.
    He would stare like that and it usually resulted in a seisure. He would stiffen
    up and just stand there staring.

  3. Acquired nystagmus can be caused by a disease (multiple sclerosis, brain tumor, diabetic neuropathy), an accident (head injury), or a neurological problem (side effect of a medication). Hyperventilation, a flashing light in front of one eye, nicotine and even vibrations have been known to cause nystagmus in rare cases.

  4. Dang, I really hate that woman’s voice and the crisp she spews. Had to turn off the sound just to get through the piece. But her googly eyes are very apparent.

    Her speech pace is hesitant enough to make me think that she is being coached via ear piece.

  5. How about that head bobbing? Why not make a bobble head doll with rolling eyes specifically for the dashboard!
    We could sell them and make lots of money for the Trump campaign — or your favorite charity!

  6. Her lack of coordinated eyeball turning reminds me of the day in college my old Buick’s tie rod snapped. Those front wheels were doing what Hillies eyeballs do. Call a tow truck and cart her off to the Happy Place. The old nag needs to see the back 40 acres while she still can, before Terre Haute is her last station, in the psyche ward.

  7. no no no, y’all got it wrong. Secretly, HILLARY IS A REPTILE, specifically a Chameleon whose eyes are able to swivel independent of each other in their eye-turrets.

    I mean c’mon, just look at the scaly, wrinkly skin. There’s your giveaway right there.

  8. It’s like Mr Roger’s neighborhood in there. Lofo’s are soooo easy to win over. Even the lefty elitists have to be astounded at how easy it’s getting lately..

    “..class, we’re going to spend a great big pile of money to create free jobs for everyone!” “Whooo!”

    “..class.. can you say solar panels?” “Whooo!”

    Sighhhhh.. incredible. “Idiocracy” was sadly prophetic.

  9. She would not pass a horizontal gaze nystagmus test, or the stand on one leg test that they give to suspected impaired drivers.

    And they expect this bitch to run the country. How low “we” have sunk.

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