What We Suspected All Along – Bill Offered Lynch the AG Job in Exchange For Looking the Other Way on Emailgate – IOTW Report

What We Suspected All Along – Bill Offered Lynch the AG Job in Exchange For Looking the Other Way on Emailgate

Clinton scumbaggery, right in the open, thumbing their noses at us.

But let’s block Trump, and let the Clinton’s be commander’s-in-chief, because “Trump is worse.”



19 Comments on What We Suspected All Along – Bill Offered Lynch the AG Job in Exchange For Looking the Other Way on Emailgate

  1. The airport caper was bad enough. Lynch should have recused herself when it happened. Now this dropped into the mix? The Clintons might have forced Lynch to recuse herself.

  2. Hillary won’t ever win anything. That bitch might steal it, with a lot of help, but she is incapable of winning without cheating. And Lynch, being the top law enforcement official in the nation, was probably handed an order to help her do just that.

  3. Wait a minute. Bill Clinton offered Lynch the job of Federal Attorney for the Eastern District of New York State, in 1999. It was Obama who offered her the job of Attorney General.

    Am I missing something here?

  4. There’s going to be quite a number of millions of Americans rather upset if Hillary Rotten and her lifetime beard aren’t indicted for both the email and Foundation scandal. I almost think they might not get away with it.

  5. Oh, for fuck’s sake … anyone surprised by this probably believes: “the check’s in the mail” and “I won’t cum in your mouth” and “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” and “I’m from the Gov’t, and I’m here to help” and “we’re gonna tax the rich to take care of the poor” and “ObolaCare won’t cost anything” and “Benghazi was about a video” and “izlam is the religion of peace.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. As long as the timing is right, much nearer the election, a recusal would benifit both her and Hillhag.
    It would wash Loretta’s hands, and delay things as the investigation is restructured.
    If Hillhag is elected, the matter will proceed with all the haste we observed in the investigation into Soetoro’s background and citizenship fraud.
    If Trump is elected, she won’t be indighted either.
    We don’t try and inprison the losing political side in this country.

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