A Muslim lied to Australian authorities to avoid deportation. He said he was a Christian. OH MY! And he was gay! Yikes.
He’s lucky they didn’t toss him off…
a tower.
That’s the latest bizarre tale to emerge from the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, which found that the Iraqi man was lying, but still decided to overturn Immigration Minister Peter Dutton’s over to deport him.
“It does seem the AAT is the gift that keeps on giving,” the Herald Sun reporter following the story, Keith Moor, told Ross and John this morning.
“(There was) no evidence of Christianity, no evidence of homosexuality. He was married twice and has at least seven kids.
“As I was reading I thought ‘There’s no way this bloke will be able to stay’.
“The only reason he’s able to stay is he does have some health issues and … he wouldn’t be able to get the proper treatment in Iraq.”
ht/ the big owe
I guess there is more than one opinion of what “proper treatment” would be.
“What Would Muhammad Say?”
how dare you question my buttphucking tenancies … I keel you!
(jeez … no wonder progressive twatwaffles love these queer muzzies)
I believe young boys/men are promised by Mo in heaven/hell as well as perpetual virgins! Also wine!
Keeping this article as an exhibit of taquiyya.
Give this filthy, lying Muzrat a free ride on the biggest Trebuchet you can find… right into the Sea of Tasman!
“Turn over little girl?”
“Turn around little boy?”
“Bring me my favorite sheep?”
“The only reason he’s able to stay is he does have some health issues and … he wouldn’t be able to get the proper treatment in Iraq.”
Unfortunately the proper treatment prescribed by Islam is to detonate a suicide bomb in crowded places.
Who CARES what mohammed says?!
Wasn’t the Spanish Inquisition mostly focused on finding taquiyya practicing muzzies claiming to be catholic and ridding the country of them? And that only after the majority of Europeans finally had enough of them and went all Pat Condell common sense and stuff.
However, currently claiming to be Christian is the surest way to be discriminated against, killed, deported or denied asylum refugee status. Depending on where you are in the world.
And it’s the muzzies who are given the get into the country no questions asked status. Then given free transportation to the town of their choice, free housing, free healthcare and an EBT card. And even self defense weapons training by the local sheriff in some towns. He should have dropped his instinct to lie and told the truth that he is a muzzie. His problems would have been over.