What Would You Say to Obama? – IOTW Report

What Would You Say to Obama?

Victims of TerrorismDuring the Christmas break, I finally had time to read and watch some of the many items I bookmarked over the last few months. One I found particularly compelling was a Senate committee meeting on victims of terrorism. The testimony was moving and I believe that my fellow iOTWr readers will appreciate hearing the victim’s testimony and answers.

The first person to testify (26 – 40:30) was Kenneth J. Stethem. His brother, Robert Dean Stethem, was murdered by Hezbollah terrorists during the hijacking of TWA Flight 847 in June of 1985.

The second to testify (1:15:30 – 1:26:30) was Daniel Miller. He was in Jerusalem, Israel on September 4, 1997 when suicide bombers attacked a café he was in located on Ben Yehuda Street, a large central Jerusalem pedestrian mall.

Committee Chairman Senator Ted Cruz asked them what they would say to Obama now if they had the chance (1:38 – 1:47). Mr. Miller was the first to reply. Mr. Stethem’s answer (1:42:30) was a surprise to me – but very satisfying.

Click for the video here.

Just released: A fund of over $1 billion has been created for the U.S. embassy personnel taken hostage by Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, but it is the U.S. taxpayer, not Iran, who will be paying for it.

26 Comments on What Would You Say to Obama?

  1. Can we set the boundary conditions for after birth abortion with you?


    Our next large scale scientific goal should be to manufacture a time machine so your mom could have the abortion you evil libtards advocate. Can you authorize the funding?

  2. SW2 (DV) Robert D. Stethem is the reason I joined the Navy–I’ve never regretted it and I will remember this hero until the day I die. It galls me to no end that his brother is STILL having to appear in Washington trying to get justice from the real perpetrators and those who cover for them. And that will include Germany, who rewarded his killer with freedom after refusing to hand him over to the U.S. Instead they traded him for some German who was “abducted” but oddly enough had some of the ransom money on her person after her return.

    Hammadi, the piece of filth barbarian who tortured and murdered Stethem, was reported killed in 2010, and though I struggle with these thoughts, I still find myself hoping he is in hell suffering a Dante-worthy fate.

    And so for you, Obama, I could go on and on. Are you worth my energy? I don’t know, you never seem to listen to anyone except the voices in your head. Will you ever care about the families, our brothers and sisters and parents who we care so deeply about and have mourned in pain for years while you plan your next victory and path to the links? You, like Germany, reward brutal criminals and step on the faces of families like the Stethems, whose child’s life paved the way for your path to success and glory. You utilize their sacrifices and suffering, yet harbor hatred and treat them with utter contempt.

    I frequently hear people say things such as, “We’re doomed,” but I categorically reject this sentiment. I am only one person who remembers Petty Officer Stethem–many others together could pierce a hole in the sky with their love for him, and he is one of many *real* martyrs you have disrespected and ignored along with the love of God and country held by our people, the people you choose to ignore and therefore will never understand. But they don’t ignore you, just as they don’t ignore or forget those who lived and died for them.

    And unlike you, we will not stand down. You may kill some of us, but we won’t die on our knees, or bowing to our enemies and there WILL be others who come after us to ensure your victories are pyrrhic and non-permanent. You can be sure of that.

  3. There is nothing good that I could say to barry, I despise the bastard. I have never in my life disliked someone as much as I do this presidunce, he is far and away the worst and most worthless and least qualified man ever to be President this country has ever seen.

  4. I’d look him straight in the eye and tell him what a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, four-flushing, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-eating, brainless, dickless, purple-lipped, hopeless, heartless, bug eyed, big-eared, incompetent, inexperienced, lazy, vacationing, golfing, childish, naïve, spending, partying, vindictive, arrogant, stumbling, sarcastic, narcissistic, corrupt, stone-walling, out-of-touch, Gay-obsessed, dope-smoking, pot-headed, teleprompter reading “Corpse-Man”, My man “Alex de Toke-Ville”, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, Peace-Prize stealing, red line…pink line…salmon line…fuchsia line…maroon line…puce line… Yellow line-drawing, two-bit, belly-aching, finger-pointing, “Flexible”, No-records, Reset Button Bonehead, Bush-blaming, Mexican gun-running, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, Cash-for-Clunkers, Phones for Lo-Foz, recess-appointing, process-circumventing, Benghazi bullshitting, bald-faced liar, fraud and flim-flam man, “I will restore trust in Government”, “Al-Qaeda-decimated”, “You didn’t build that”, “Most transparent administration ever”, “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”, “Premiums will be lowered by $2500”, “I’ve got a pen and a phone”, “Russia is just a regional power”, “I can do whatever I want”, autocratic, Constitution-stomping, Bullgarian-speaking, productivity-obstructing, court-tampering, dictatorial, monument-Barrycading, race-divisive, class-divisive, community-organizing, selfie-posing, celebrity gad-fly, healthcare-destroying, They don´t like me cuz I’m Black, ISIS appeasing, Jihad-coddling, lawless, phoney-baloney, bitch-slapped, pussy-whipped, flat-footed, plastic banana republic Socialist Marxist Muzlim Mallard whose only real accomplishment has been to perpetrate the most scandalous betrayal of the American people ever!
    Holy shit! Where´s the Tylenol!

  5. Jump to Mr Kenneth Stethem’s statement

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyDYJOv-jyk&feature=youtu.be&t=26m0s .

    Jump to Mr Kenneth Stethem’s answer – What he would say to Obama. – I agree it was a good, and I think, correct answer.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyDYJOv-jyk&feature=youtu.be&t=1h42m29s .

    There is – a big difference between being tired of war, and being tired of bad policies. Between sounding good and doing good.

    It’s easy to jump to Mr Miller’s statements by changing the XmYs extension to one of the above URL addresses. For example 1h15m30s .

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