What you do if they force the jab at work – IOTW Report

What you do if they force the jab at work

ht/ c. steven tucker

20 Comments on What you do if they force the jab at work

  1. Will this work for employees of local, state and federal agencies?
    It seems government employees are fired automatically for not following unconstitutional government Covid mandates.

  2. I would also draw up papers to have them sign saying I was forced to do it against my will in order to keep my job AND they would be responsible for all side effects pertaining to the “vaccine” whether I am still employed by the company or not.

    Sign here, here, and initial here. Thanks.

  3. Bottom line: a case or two or three or four of employees catching covid is not going to directly hurt a large corporation’s bottom line. Requiring all employees to get jabbed is primarily driven by a combination of lawyers and/or gutless effeminate executives.

    We must find the legal argument to prohibit companies from implented this policy.

  4. I work at a hospital. The CEO of the company just made it mandatory that all employees company wide will have to have the jab by Nov 1. I sent him an email thanking hom for the heads up so that I could seek employment elsewhere. One of his lakeys answered my and spouted all of the government crap, and then stated that they are trying to protect patients and employees, and that the company lawyers stated that a company has the right to mandate such B.S.

  5. JMV, I work at an ER an so far no mandate. Prior to COVID. during flu season we either had to get the shot or wear a mask during flu season. I assume the same choice will be offered at my hospital for COVID

  6. I like that. A lot.
    Other than a minor Grammar Nazi nitpick about the placement of two apostrophes, (employee’s = employees’ & employees), I find no fault with the logic, reasoning, and application of this tactic against the ChiFlu Nazis.

  7. It’s a real possibility for me, since I am a federal employee. Rumor has it that the “vaccines” will get approved sometime in September or shortly thereafter, after which the Pentagon is supposedly going to mandate it across all branches. (Currently, service members can’t be mandated, but they become undeployable if they refuse, which means that they also can’t transfer duty stations, be promoted, or re-enlist.) And I wouldn’t put it past Pedo Joe to mandate all federal empolyees get the jab once the FDA signs off on it. (We’ve already been wearing masks inside the facility thanks to his EO after he was sworn in.) This is a hill worth dying on for me, ’cause there’s no fucking way I’m letting someone shoot me up with that crap, even if it costs me my job. (Currently, OSHA says that you can’t technically fire someone for refusing a vaccine, but you also don’t have to allow them back into the workplace until they’re in compliance. That was when the “vaccines” were on an emergency basis — once they’re formally O.K.’d, I don’t know if that changes.) About half my co-workers have gotten at least one shot, and most of them are dull normals who don’t care (let alone understand) exactly what is going on and what it all means. Mention sports, movies, or video games and they light up — mention politics or science, and their eyes start to glaze over.

  8. What’s next? Wear a yellow star on your lapel? Assholes.

    I like this guy’s strategy. Push back at the bullies and most of them will just fold. I like MJA’s, too, except I still wouldn’t get “the jab”.

  9. i am old
    i am going to die soon any way
    that said
    i wouldn’t get it just because they told me i had to get it

    any thinking man knows there is some nefarious plot going on here with the “jab”


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