What’s $28 Trillion Among Friends? – IOTW Report

What’s $28 Trillion Among Friends?

Here’s a handy review of the current status of what The United States owes its creditors. While you may not think it affects you (only generations to come) if you’re wondering about your retirement or why interest rates have been held artificially low for so long, this little video should help explain. Watch

Did I title this piece “$28 trillion?” I mean to say $32 trillion after D.C. adds a whopping $1.9 trillion COVID “relief” package followed by another $2 trillion spent on Biden’s “Build Back Better Plan” to the heap of debt. More

14 Comments on What’s $28 Trillion Among Friends?

  1. If only the US could buy cheap low grade Canadian Oil at much less than the regular price per barrel, pipe it to refineries for upgrade, and sell it to foreign countries thereby helping to maintain the dollar strength and reduce foreign trade deficits.

    But alas, It is impossible.

  2. so this miserable pos lying fk is saying we need another stimulus to start an economy they have locked down in every dimocrat run state in the country. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS END THE LOCKDOWN YOU C U N T!

  3. Satan himself owns the Federal Reserve.
    Think I’m kidding don’tcha ?
    Our wealth has been slowly stolen from us
    since out first part time job. Where did that
    28T go? What did you get for it? I got 70 year
    old rotting sewer,water and electrical poles topped
    off by roads that remind me of Costa Rica!

  4. Debt does has consequences, even if our brilliant leaders in Washington don’t think so. Trillions of it is held overseas (Japan 1.2 trillion, China 1.1 trillion). So when I pay my taxes and it goes to debt payments, IT IS LEAVING THE COUNTRY. Also, remember that debt payments are lost goods. Hundreds of billions of dollars of lost goods, whether medical care, space programs or defense. Running up debt just because we can is stupid.


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