What’s Causing The Supply Chain Strain? – IOTW Report

What’s Causing The Supply Chain Strain?

60 Minutes tries to blame the greedy shipping lines for why Friday this year might be more Blank than Black for shoppers and merchants. Watch

The Wall Street Journal blames the pandemic lockdowns for causing a surge in demand for foreign made goods just as the workforce needed to move those items was impacted by COVID as well. Here

CNBC points out the contributing factor of putting more and more containers on giant ships that can only off load cargo in Los Angeles and Long Beach on the west coast. Watch

OANN finds California a main culprit in causing the massive back-up by passing a law intended to hurt independent contractors and placing harsher emissions regulations on truckers with older vehicles. Watch

Seems like a whole lot of different chickens all came home to roost at once. -Dr. Tar

10 Comments on What’s Causing The Supply Chain Strain?

  1. It’s a bunch of screw-ups that compound the problems caused by other screw-ups. Most of the stuff I read says the biggest problem is the environmental regulations on the trucks entering the port.

  2. Working out great for me. I’ve told my nieces that Santa is incubated in the Hospital with Covid. The rest are all adults so they know by now that Brandon Sucks! Going to save me a small fortune.

  3. @Brad, @Cynic — Yep. And the one single underlying cause of this and many other horrible problems is too much power allowed to be wielded by govt.

    I can’t think of a serious problem we face in the U.S.A. that isn’t at least partially the result of stupid and abusive govt laws and regulations.

  4. Uncle Al

    Which translates to very stupid and abusive people. Libtards really are quite amazing. It matters little that they don’t know shit about what they’re tasked with, they will always have the ultimate solution. Trademarks of Attorneys.
    I’ve attended countless classes on JIT (Just In Time), and World Class Manufacturing crap mandated by the customer. Spanning over twenty years in the trade. Not once did they ever mix “Supply Chain” with transportation. Supply Chain adds value. It’s like they make this shit up as they go.


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