What’s going on in Debbie’s head? – IOTW Report

What’s going on in Debbie’s head?

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Picture swiped from DMF:

She is Just Maxine Waters in a Cowboy Hat

42 Comments on What’s going on in Debbie’s head?

  1. Ugly, old, fat, crazy black congresswoman calling herself a “Rock Star”, is not really a desirable description.
    It’s like self-describing as a “Diva”, that too is not a desirable description.
    Diva is just a nicer way of saying someone famous is a bitch, why would you claim to be an asshole rock star or a diva bitch?
    Typical Prog, no self-awareness.

  2. She is wondering how her long march to the power she craves has led her to being forced to share the stage with the little people of the skin tone that is supposed to just shut up and vote.

  3. twins born of fetal alcohol syndrome.

    I think someone put that hat on “W I L S O N N N N N N N” s !!!! head cuz she’s to stupid to have done it herself

  4. Frederica, “Now listen honey, that smarmy IT guy you made me hire stole my brand new Apple Watch. Now I can’t tell time! You just better buy me a new Apple Watch or I’m gonna shove this hat right up your ass!”

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