What’s New About Dems Wanting To Impeach the Duly Elected President? – IOTW Report

What’s New About Dems Wanting To Impeach the Duly Elected President?

The dems called for impeaching the last 4 GOP presidents. They are silly.


8 Comments on What’s New About Dems Wanting To Impeach the Duly Elected President?

  1. I got no problem with this … I thought that the last 4 Demonrat Presidunces should have been impeached.

    Let’s see … that woulda been Obola, Bush, Clinton, and Bush …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This article mentioned someone we haven’t heard from for awhile – Jesse Jackson. I wonder why that is. And his buddy Sharpton has been mighty quiet lately. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it.

  3. Copy of message I left on White House website;
    I support you 100% and am appalled at the treatment you have received from the left and the media.
    I would implore you to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hillary, Obama, Lynch, Holder and any other of the hypocrites .
    Fast and Furious, Benghazi and a host of other crimes were Never resolved.
    The media should be investigated for promoting PROPAGANDA!
    I implore you to turn the tables on this anti-American, anti-freedom bunch of liars. (end)
    Everyone here should go to the WH website and encourage this President. It’s very easy to do.

  4. –“When Dennis Kucinich — who once claimed to have seen a UFO hovering over Shirley MacLaine’s house — is the Democrats’ voice of reason, you know that the party has stepped off the edge.”–

    And that’s about the size of it.

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