What’s On Mich’s Spotify Playlist? – IOTW Report

What’s On Mich’s Spotify Playlist?

Some of it is NSFW, angry and offensive to both women and men.
How empowering.

michelle obama angry

BigGovernment: First Lady Michelle Obama is out with her first Spotify playlist, featuring female artists in celebration of the “International Day of the Girl.”

As listed on the White House website, coming in at the number one spot to promote education for girls is Beyoncé’s “Girls Who Run the World,” the lyrics of which are as follows:


10 Comments on What’s On Mich’s Spotify Playlist?

  1. 1) Three Days Grace — I Hate Everything About You
    2) Rage Against The Machine — Killing In The Name
    3) KoRn – Dead Bodies Everywhere
    4) Drowning Pool – Bodies
    5) Limp Bizkit – Break Stuff

    Mrs. Bitterman’s top 5 songs, because she is a hate filled, anti-American, bitch.

  2. “We be running this”
    “We victims”
    “Come at they neck”

    Which is it then? Victors or victims? Soft protectees or murderers? Can’ be both Bey, Bey, you horrible asshole of a human being.

  3. Is this more of the “empowerment” bullshit timed with the premiere episode of SUPERGIRL?
    First the pink frills in the NFL and now Supergirl.. Do the bulldykes have a stranglehold on Hollywood now?
    They floated the idea of a black James Bond and it crashed and burned. Are we now in for a black Superman (with a super package, unlike George Reeves’ merkin)?

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