What’s the Difference Between Planned Parenthood and The Nazis? – IOTW Report

What’s the Difference Between Planned Parenthood and The Nazis?

According to self-described Italian-Iranian comic, Nicolas De Santo, Planned Parenthood is worse than the Nazis, which isn’t a joke that’s going to win him many gigs in blue states.

Watch De Santos recent set at the Backyard Comedy Club in London and enjoy the observations of what might possibly be the only pro-life stand up comic in the world. Watch

13 Comments on What’s the Difference Between Planned Parenthood and The Nazis?

  1. Beat me to it Molon. The left is very much like the Nazis.

    I flabbergasted my most lefty friend when I went down the list of parallels after he referred to them as right wing. I asked him what was right wing about the Nazis and he had a blank look on his face. I calmly started with the damn moniker of Nazi and asked him if he knew where it came from. Once I told him the party’s full name I asked him “What is right-wing about that?”. Then I went down the list starting with gun control, taking God out of schools and putting a political leader’s portrait up (school’s were doing that with Obama), paying women money to not have a father in the home, Kristallnacht (BLM riots), demonizing and dehumanizing political opponents so it was ok to persecute and prosecute them for existing,

    and right about there is where he started stammering – alright alright alright alright. He had nothing to say in rebuttal.

    Don’t call Nazis right wing around me. They were Democrats and no different than today’s American Democrats.

  2. The difference between Planned Parenthood and the Nazis is that Planned Parenthood prioritizes killing Negroes whereas the Nazis victims of choice were Jews.


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