What’s Wrong With Katy Perry’s Eye? – IOTW Report

What’s Wrong With Katy Perry’s Eye?

Steve Kirsch:

Is Katy Perry’s eye a vaccine injury?
If I had to guess, I’d say “yes.” Here’s my reasoning.

First off, let’s eliminate the obvious.

Katy Perry has a “wonk” eye, but it is her left eye. She admits this in this video from 2011. Now how can we be sure the video wasn’t mirrored and it’s really her right eye? We can ascertain this because the candy bar she shows at 00:35 into the video is correctly displayed so we can read the writing. So the video isn’t mirrored. It’s her left eye.

The other suggested possibility is that the glue stuck on her eyelash. However, we can eliminate that option because you don’t unstick an eyelash by pressing on your forehead. It doesn’t work that way. go see

25 Comments on What’s Wrong With Katy Perry’s Eye?

  1. Speaken of the jab, I have some work pals here in the biz park. Identical twins. Both ultra MAGA, both married to Libs. Who forced them both to get the original two. Well one of the twins was scheduled to go to Canada for some big hike, but he needed the booster. Which he got. He was just diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia today. He asks the Blood Cancer Doc what would cause that. Doc say “a change in your DNA”. And then strongly suggest he get another booster. Which my pal basically said, Are you fucking out of your mind?”. Don’t get the boosters. That’s the kill shot.

  2. If it was vaccine related, wouldn’t more of her face be affected? Like, a droopy mouth corner? I’m not seeing that.

    She’s got some serious eyelash construction going on. Hot lights melt the glue and then it sticks to itself, maybe. So, she pulls on her forehead to unstick it. If it’s happened before she knows that move works even if he doesn’t think it should.

    I’m skeptical on this one. 🤷‍♀️ Not everything is a vax injury. Well, maybe 90% of the time it is.

  3. @Brad: Every time I hear one of those stories like you told, I just want to ring some necks. One of those liberal wives is going to be looking for a new victim.I have a friend with leukemia who got all the jabs, I’m waiting for the death call. Another friend same thing, all death jabbed and he has stage 4 bladder cancer. Looks like this doctor is right about what’s showing up:

    Millions get AIDS from Vax by Fall – Dr. Elizabeth Eads
    By Greg Hunter On March 23, 2022 In Weekly News Wrap-Ups 333 Comments


  4. She doesn’t have the Newsom droopy look. Newsom got Bell’s Palsy from a covid jab. Dunno if he’s recovered – don’t care. Justin Bieber really looked droopy, he blames his droopy face on the jab. I think it was an eyelash glue error…she didn’t let it dry properly. If she keels over, that’s a different story.

  5. @Brad

    “Both ultra MAGA, both married to Libs.”

    Ummm!! I’m trying to think why any self-respecting Alpha male who loves his country, lives by a moral code, and goes thru life with his eyes wide open and clearly sees what the progressive agenda is doing to our freedoms and institutions of liberty, why they would marry the enemy.

    This is typical simp behavior and a clear reflection of the man’s lack of conviction or lack of dedication.

    With soooooooooooo many great patriotic women out there, to saddle yourself with a mate that will bring you nothing but grief, I just don’t get it.

  6. Rich

    I think it’s a case of they met in college when politics didn’t mean much to them. But the twins own a pretty lucrative business and have for quite a while. Those women, being married to businessmen, should be wising up by now. I couldn’t do it.

  7. Katy Perry. A former Christian (backslider) who is a judge on American Idol and famous for this song that promoted a bisexual
    and lesbian lifestyle in the early 2000s;
    https://youtu.be/tAp9BKosZXs .

    She seems charming but that’s a front. She can be a loud drama queen. In reality, she’s got an acid tongue, and attitude to go with it when challenged.
    She doesn’t apologize for being a dense leftist.
    Stunts are her thing, so doubt the closed eye is caused by the jab.

  8. She’s an American “singer” who was married to Russell Brand (the British actor/comedian). Brand is an interesting character. Starting out as a leftie and then gradually seeing the light. Once a hero of the left, he is now, of course, ostracized for his common sense take on the Covid mandates, vaxx, and lockdowns. He also regularly speaks out about the NWO and WEF.

  9. MK ULTRA. She is part of the NWO and
    Iluminati Devil worshipers like Bohimium
    Grove.See 100’s of Hollywierd woman what
    got 1 eye covered.It is reference to Ohorus
    the eye of. Egyptian magic from 3000 years ago.

  10. If you notice, she ‘heaves’ her chest a bit before her eye goes starts spasming.

    And if you think ‘this is part of her act’ (you know: the old ‘I can’t control my right eye until I pat my face with my hand’ routine, which we can be certain has roots to vaudville days, and has survived all these years because it’s so – funny?) you’re nuts.

  11. 99th Squad Leader October 25, 2022 at 8:29 pm

    Katy Perry. A former Christian (backslider) who is a judge on American Idol and famous for this song that promoted a bisexual
    and lesbian lifestyle in the early 2000s;

    I wouldn’t want to be in her pepsi can bra when judgement comes. No one escapes that.

  12. @Rich Taylor October 25, 2022 at 6:39 pm

    > With soooooooooooo many great patriotic women out there, to saddle yourself with a mate that will bring you nothing but grief, I just don’t get it.

    Obviously. You “don’t get it”. Because Muh Dik. Got anything else?

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