What’s Wrong with Putting America First? – IOTW Report

What’s Wrong with Putting America First?

Robert Spencer:

The overarching lesson of the triumphant Republican National Convention this week is that America is great, and that it is good and proper for an American president to put America first. In that, of course, the RNC is echoing President Trump’s consistent statements since he began running for president four years ago. But the President’s America-First message remains one of the most maligned, misinterpreted, and misrepresented aspects of his entire program.

In fact, the president’s primary job is clear from the oath of office that every president recites in order to assume office, and it isn’t to provide health care for illegal aliens, or to make sure that Somalia isn’t riven by civil war, or to make sure America is “diverse.” It is simply this: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Or, to put it even more simply, as Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster explains, the primary job of the president of the United States is to put America first.

Nonetheless, this point is hotly controverted. In Donald Trump’s inaugural address on January 20, 2017, he declared: “From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this moment on, it’s going to be America First… We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world — but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.” more

10 Comments on What’s Wrong with Putting America First?

  1. The self-loathing haters who turn their spiteful blame for having chosen to be useless parasites on America are driven insane by the Trumpian vision of greatness for the Country he and we so love.

  2. And there’s nothing wrong with “The Good Old Days” either.

    There’s nothing wrong with Norm Rockwell’s America or Paul Harvey’s America. Conservatives, through our faith in Jesus Christ and God the Father, seek what is True, Good and Beautiful. Nothing wrong with those things, either.

    The Left does not know how to mind their own, individual, business. They are the “misery loves company” crowd.

  3. Kcir- Dude. I cannot believe Jussie is prime minister. I thought the left here could duck and weave around the truth, but Trudeau has won several gold medals in answer ducking. That POS in infuriating!

  4. @MJA

    Imagine how I feel living in Toronto, Ontario that gave the POS from Quebec and 2nd term Minority.
    I’m Surrounded by the very assholes that voted for him.

    I prefer to call him Justine Turdeau or Turdo but sometimes he does put on Blackface so you calling him Jussie may actually be the the best nickname yet.

  5. The REAL reason the leftist losers, anti-americans, and karens of all flavors HATE that message is because it means they will have to WORK for their daily bread instead of sucking off the grubbermint teat for every need they have or imagine.

    Having more jobs than workers to fill them just means that the welfare system along with all the other grubbermint programs that amount to nothing more than free hand-outs should be closed down and all those fakers should be FORCED to go get a stinking job and support themselves.

    I know better than anyone that hard times can strike unexpectedly and sometimes help is needed, but the programs designed to help for short periods of time until you can get back on your feet have morphed into a life long endeavor thanks to the UniParty and lazy citizens/illegal aliens voting for benefits to never end and has lead to the insanity of the Universal Basic Income concept that the left loves so very much.

    Once robotics becomes so cheap and plentiful that they outnumber humans so overwhelmingly that both blue and white collar workers are replaced it will be time for a UBI, but until then go get a job and learn to be self reliant or starve a homeless bum you slacker!!!!!


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