What’s your remedy for insomnia? – IOTW Report

What’s your remedy for insomnia?

What’s your remedy for insomnia? A warm glass of milk, soothing music or ambient noise to cover the sounds of the always restless city or block out a continuing loop in your head of the days stressors? How about a nice relaxing story of hiking some exotic location. That’s what many sleepless adults do when they tune into Calm, a free app on meditation and relaxation. Here

54 Comments on What’s your remedy for insomnia?

  1. I used to worry about sleeping less and less as I got older. I have come to accept that perhaps it is God’s plan for me to get my butt out of bed so I can get all of the stuff I need to get done before I croak.

  2. 3 diphenhydramine HCI 25 mg tablets (bottle calls for 2), every night between 8:30 and 9:30 an hour later I get groggy and wander off to bed. I don’t awaken till 5 ish in the AM, unless my bladder calls me up. Up at 6:45 AM everyday. That gives me enough sleep and energy for the whole next day, till 8:30Pm rolls up again. (no naps) Been doing it for years will no known ill effects ill effects ill effects ill effects……..

  3. I used to read but then the book would topple over and clonk me on the face. Then I used to say the Lord’s Prayer in my head — and ponder, as I repeated it silently — on each word: “OUR Father…” Our FATHER…” “Our Father, WHO..” “Our Father who ART…” Sleep would soon take over.

    Now I’ve added a tablet, earbuds and classic movies. I listen to my favs over and over again because I learn the dialogue and sleep comes in less than a couple of minutes. I also like to listen to the old Lux soap radio “movies”. Different actors than the film versions, sometimes.

  4. AA tells me to turn off the computer,and then she hits me with a brick,sleep like a baby until she tells me to get up and put the cat out and make sure the coffee is set up for the morning.
    We can sleep when we are dead,or so she says.

  5. I used to read but then the book would topple over and clonk me on the face. Then I used to say the Lord’s Prayer in my head — and ponder, as I repeated it silently — on each word: “OUR Father…” Our FATHER…” “Our Father, WHO..” “Our Father who ART…” Sleep would soon take over.

    Now I’ve added a tablet, earbuds and classic movies. I listen to my favs over and over again because I learn the dialogue and sleep comes in less than a couple of minutes. I also like to listen to the old Lux soap radio “movies”. Different actors than the film versions, sometimes.

    If I have a project I’m about to start or am working on, I like to imagine each step and challenge. I laid a brick patio, paver by paver, for about a year. Then Geoff C. installed it and I couldn’t imagine it anymore so I had to move on to something else.

  6. I rarely have trouble falling asleep. My insomnia is the type where I wake up in a panic about something, then obsess about it -and everything else that could possibly go wrong, or that I regret from 15 years ago, or, or, and, and, and…
    A notepad and pen on the bedside table has been the best cure: Write it down and deal with it tomorrow. Heck, I wake up at 5:30 without an alarm so, I got plenty of time in the day to fret, and maybe even to attend to some of those worries.

  7. Never a problem falling asleep…my conscience is clear.

    My problem is staying asleep. I sleep in segments of an hour or two. Then get up….and go back later.

    I used to drink myself into oblivion…but can’t do that now.

  8. I try to get out during the day for fresh air, sunlight and exercise when I can’t the seasonal affective disorder gets disruptive, also full moons disrupt my sleeping pattern.

  9. Have had sleeping problems since my fifties. All those block I laid and all that frame carpentry back in the day.
    Muscle relaxer, Advil, gabapentin and a shot of Tullamore Dew.
    Sleepy Lazlo
    Until about five hours later.
    Then it’s crabby Lazlo

  10. From BB: “I asked this question a while back. Dee recommended chamomile tea. It works for me.”

    You do not have insomnia. Which I’m pleased of for you.

    Insomnia reaches into the brain and wracks its very chemical makeup into something not human. It give you an alien outlook onto all that is normal. It is a launching pad for really successful serial killers that don’t enjoy their work. That camomile tea would have never dissuaded.

  11. I need to get exercise of some sort during the day and if I don’t get enough movement now I use my Gold’s Gym mini stepper in front of my chest of drawers that functions as my stand up computer desk. I just started this a few weeks ago. The Sleepy Time or Chamomile tea also works well, as it’s a substitute for caffeinated tea or coffee and also it’s relaxing. I do usually have to get up once in the night for bathroom as I’m of that age I guess.

  12. When I close my eyes, I “see” a sort of visual noise, hazy patches, some color, with a slow random swirly motion. My understanding is that this is normal and most people have the same experience.

    When I’m in bed and am done reading, I strap on my BiPAP mask, turn out the light, then close my eyes and concentrate on the swirly stuff. I try to track its motion and then see if I can control it in any way. Just about the time I fool myself into thinking that I CAN control it, I drift off to sleep. This happens fairly quickly; once I begin the exercise it is rarely more than a minute or two before I’m dead to the world.

  13. @Anonymous — LOL! I worked my way through the leftover library that was left in our house by the former owner — a lot of very old political books and biographies. But the ones I could never get through were Anatomy of Melancholy and Mathematica Principia. They’re good for going to sleep though.

  14. If anyone is kept awake by pain, may I heartily recommend the Quell device. I was a true skeptic, but the thing is a miracle. Been using it almost 24 hours a day since August 11. Lower back pain is no longer in the forefront of my mind.

  15. So far, 6 ativan is the only thing that remotely helps. tramadol, nothing. ambien, nothing. trazadone, nothing. seroquel, nothing. benadryl, nothing. every anti depressant known to man, nothing. I am beginning to think I might enjoy becoming an opioid user. Once I puke, I’m ok and then I get some pain relief and an hour or two of sleep. I doubt the dr will give me any, I haven’t asked.

  16. If I can’t sleep, sometimes I quit trying, get up and make a pot of coffee and write the night off. Usually in a couple of hours, I fall asleep in a chair somewhere for a several hours. Then, shower, gear up, and go to work where I just might fall asleep in a chair later again! Or not. Sometimes, my brain won’t shut off – unless I’m sitting in a chair. I’m sittingg in a asehchairrr ritg now an

  17. Got me an air purifier. Don’t care about purifying my bedroom air, but that sucker makes the most delightful white noise. I read my book, usually about 20 pages, then zonk out. Takes me a damn month to read a book.


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