Wheat Shortages This Year? – IOTW Report

Wheat Shortages This Year?


Wheat is an essential grain harvest in the overall food chain.  Winter wheat is planted in October and harvested the following June and July, however, the U.S. crop this year is in a tenuous position because of severe drought in the plains.  Kansas represents about a quarter of the U.S. harvest and is currently suffering through an extended dry season.

Last week, “Kansas Governor Laura Kelly declared a drought emergency, warnings and watches for every county in Kansas on Thursday due to dry conditions causing high fire danger.” More

Disruption of Europe’s “breadbasket,” Ukraine is cause some to warn of famines in Africa. More

19 Comments on Wheat Shortages This Year?

  1. The way they play with the weather makes me think this drought is on purpose. Gates himself bought thousands of acres of farmland and China bought thousands of acres of farmland and neither want you to live.

  2. Guess everyone will join the gluten free crowd. Wheat is in about everything we consume. I don’t bake with white flour, I use almond flour – lower in carbs. However, the lo-carb Keto bread I buy and tortilla’s are made from wheat flour, but the carbs are eliminated mostly.

  3. Which country is racist if African countries don’t get their wheat from Russia because of sanctions/war? Surely the default answer is Russia which means the right answer is Ole Joe.

  4. From a farmer…”This bay of fertilize would have cost me around $18,000.00 last year. Today we put it in for just over $40,000.00. A tote of Roundup, 275 gallons, last year $4900.00 and today just over $14,000.00. This is just 2 of the inputs for growing a crop. This is not a political statement so do not take it as such. This is real world prices farmers are having to battle.”…..and then throw in diesel costs….The drought conditions are regional and in my region we had a goos wet snow with rain following the next week…..This soil holds moisture like none I’ve ever experienced before…

  5. The cost of Fuel + Fertilizer is a double whammy for farmers!
    Must be the fertile minds of our politicians trying to stem domestic terrorism… I mean, after all, who the fcuk would want to blow up a building at THESES prices!!

  6. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I expanded my backyard vegetable garden 4X this year.
    200+ seedlings started last week; bed prep this week.
    If you can’t eat it yourself, it generates good will with neighbors.
    Unless it’s squash.
    I’ve seen people run away because they think I’m going to give them another bag of Zucchini..

  7. Carlos,
    Make mock apple slices with that zucchini. I could make a mock apple pie with it and you wouldn’t know the difference.
    Feed your chickens with extra zucchini. They love it.

  8. Buy Flour now and sugar and yeast. And seeds.
    Plant a small garden if you can.
    It was not a dark winter of death but it might be a summer of despair.
    They are planning on it.

  9. There are going to be all kinds of food shortages, some of us in the rural areas have been warning about if for awhile now.

    They will blame it on drought, Russia, climate change, but none will tell the truth it’s because of the plandemic and government policies. Even the fertilizer is the fault of government and what they did after the OKC bombing. That shut down pretty much all of our fertilizer plants and made us rely on other countries.


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