When rules that are fair for the majority move against liberal interests they want the rules abolished – IOTW Report

When rules that are fair for the majority move against liberal interests they want the rules abolished


Vox reports:

Majority rule can lead to abuse of minorities, justifying judicial protection of minorities, but how do we ensure that the Court both protects the minorities who really need protection, and does so in a way that allows majority interests to prevail when they ought to? The Court’s answer, “trust us,” is increasingly out of place in an era of populist rejection of elite rule.

A democratic system for protecting the rights of minorities is desperately needed. We describe here a voting system that does just that — by allowing citizens to vote in proportion to the strength of their interests. It would be simultaneously more democratic and less vulnerable to the trampling of rights than the options currently on the table, and it would not involve elite interventions in politics through judicial review.

This Vox-splainer is really long but the basic gist is that there would be no more Supreme Court and only minorities who have an interest in a social issue would be allowed to vote for it in a national referendum system. For example: only gay people could vote on gay issues and only anti-gun nuts could vote on gun control bills. I’m serious, this is what they are pushing.


11 Comments on When rules that are fair for the majority move against liberal interests they want the rules abolished

  1. Oh okay, then they should let a “gay” *wink wink* Muslim be in charge of gay rights. Or hey, Linda Sarsour in charge of women’s rights.
    Or how about Shaun King in charge of black issues? Hell, why stop there? Let BraChelsea Manning be in charge of women’s health issues.

    Can we get a Kardashian to buy Vox? Good gravy, what morons.

  2. “It would be simultaneously more democratic and less vulnerable to the trampling of rights than the options currently on the table…”
    Excuse me? We have a system for voting, it is in the constitution; take your “options on the table” and fuck-off, VOX!

  3. Democracy and the potential for trampling the rights of the minority are exactly why this Nation was founded as a Republic.

    That people in America do not understand the difference between the two is sad.

  4. Tony R, since FDR ‘declared’ that we have a democracy, the democrats have made that declaration their motto. They no longer think we have a Representative Republic (which the Founding Fathers fought against those who wanted a democracy). In fact, many people of all political sides think we live in a democracy. That’s what results from the left controlling the schools.

    I try to explain this but some think I’m just making too much of it. They don’t understand that if we did live in a democracy, we would have had President Hillary Clinton.

    Yuk, I never want to type that name again!

    Edit: DrRiff, right on!

  5. What is it with people who want to replace the best constitution ever conceived, written, and practiced with a different dumb-ass idea?

    It’s like people who turn their back on the best religion, Christianity, for Buddhism or paganism or Devil worship.

    We have too many village idiots in this country, wandering around drooling and wetting their pants.

  6. Ah, Vox… the idiotic leftist propaganda outlet started by Matthew Yglesia, Ezra Klein, and Melissa Bell. Yglesia and Klein were jounOlisters. I can’t remember if Bell was, but rest assured she’s some man-hating clam bumper, like most ugly, leftist women. Of course they want to change the rules whenever the rules work against leftist idiocy. That’s what leftists do.


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