When the Left Hates Green Energy – IOTW Report

When the Left Hates Green Energy

American Thinker:
By J. Allen Cartwright

Combating climate change has become the most significant issue in the progressive movement, as evidenced by the $555 billion earmarked for “clean energy” in the so-called “Build Back Better Act.”  John Kerry, the Biden administration climate czar, has demanded bold action on carbon emissions, claiming that  “the scientists told us three years ago we had 12 years to avert the worst consequences of climate crisis.  We are now three years gone, so we have nine years left.”  At an August 2019 rally, Progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) labeled climate change as “the major national security issue we face.”  A lengthy roster of A-list celebrities wrote an open letter to the heads of major entertainment platforms demanding that they support Biden’s multi-billion-dollar environmental policies, moaning that “if we fail to act now, every single one of us will feel the impacts, a billion people will be displaced, and low-income people and communities of color will continue to be hit first and worst.”

Progressives Reject Market-Ready Solutions

Despite their dire warnings, however, leftists have been oddly reluctant to fully embrace policies that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  Although progressives have advocated for renewables such as solar and wind power, they often oppose any increase in nuclear power, a carbon-neutral and readily accessible energy source.  The far-left also disparages natural gas usage, despite the fact that the transition from coal to natural gas has lowered greenhouse gas emissions by 13% since 2005.  One would expect, at least in the short term, environmentalists to embrace nuclear and natural gas as part of a greener energy portfolio, with a corresponding reduction in coal consumption. more

25 Comments on When the Left Hates Green Energy

  1. Follow the money, indeed! Investigate who the early investors if these so-called alternative energy companies are. Their business model is (1) tax-payer funded subsidies, and then (2) sell to a major energy corporation. Algore is in the mix here somewhere.

  2. The followers on the left hates what they are told to hate and embraces what they are told to embrace and that changes more often than the filthy disgusting things change their underwear… that is if they even wear any.

    The leaders of the progressive decide what is in and what is out based on an economic calculation, and political “leadership” of this bent makes a political decision of what they are going to tell their useful idiots after doing a real time benefit/cost analysis.

    That is the long and short of it. If it transfers power and the wealth that follows to the leadership it gets the thumbs up. If, not so much.

    AND, the Republican establishment is just as guilty as any and ALL Democrats of this dynamic.

  3. “…they often oppose any increase in nuclear power, a carbon-neutral and readily accessible energy source. The far-left also disparages natural gas usage,…”

    More evidence of “follow the money”. Similar to the healthcare industry blocking the use of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and other alternative treatments for the coofid.

    When they say follow the science…science = money.

  4. In that picture above, AOC is thinking to herself, “…I wonder if if all of those solar panels will eventually drain the sun of its heat and energy, causing global cooling? We might have to go back to fossil fuels to reverse the damage…”

  5. New-Generation Nuclear Energy is the way to go. The DOE is busy licensing construction of these plants right now. The government is keeping this news under wraps so as to not get the tree huggers all bent out of shape. Renewable energy is a supplemental source of power. NOT a primary source of power. Nuclear is the ‘GREEN’ power of the future.

  6. We’ve crossed so many deadlines to “take action” that I’ve lost count. One that sticks in my mind was Ted Danson warning us in late 80s(?)he predicted ten years hence, the planet’s oceans would be dead, and that mankind would soon follow as a result.

    In a rare occurrence of journalism, he was asked about this prediction, to which he responded it was “hyperbole” as a means to “draw attention to the issue.”

    Old Teddy went on to claim that 70 percent of the world’s fisheries “are at the point of collapse.”

    He steps from one pile of bullshit to another. Just like all of these climate bullshitters. Warning us of the rise of the oceans and buying water font mansions.

  7. The left doesn’t understand science, they only repeat the word “science” like parrots. It’s all part of their limited lexicon vocabulary of over used labels like “racist, Nazi, denier, hater, supremist, insurrection, etc.”. Just give them a banana and send them on their way.

  8. When the elites actually begin practicing what they preach, then I’d be willing to at least listen to their plea. But I know that’ll never happen, so I’ll keep doing and living same as the previous 68 years.

  9. Still have a stockpile of incandescent bulbs. Drive gas powered autos and trucks. Heat with propane. Just surviving this doofus and his minions in the White house is my biggest priority right now. FJB FHC FKH FBO FTA.

  10. It’s not that leftists hate gas/oil etc. It’s they hate US PEONS being able to USE gas/oil etc. Depriving us of cheap efficient energy makes us slaves. THAT is what they are seeking.


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