When the sign language gal has to interpret the song WAP – IOTW Report

When the sign language gal has to interpret the song WAP

WAP is a classy song. It’s an acronym for wet a$$ P&&&&y.

The signers mom must be proud.

We have slid, as a nation, into Sodom-like decadence, and it’s our diversity which is our strength, for sure.

ht/ c. steven tucker

22 Comments on When the sign language gal has to interpret the song WAP

  1. What the HELL did I just see? Not fair…because it cannot be UNDONE!

    Just listen to the audience participation…says it all.

    Prep. NOW.

    DO IT in small increments when you shop…if you have some extra room…do it…

    Society is failing.

    The country is on life support…

    Do you really thing for instance CV and other viruses will stop…now that we know the damage that can be done?

    From such weaponization of IT?

  2. My wife works with her.

    Another viral vid out there is with Fred Durst. The interpreter for that one stayed in my house over the 4 day show.

    There’s videos of my wife out there for Lollapalooza going back 4 years she’s interpreted there.

    The interpreters are not allowed to comment on videos taken of them at Lolla.

  3. I think they should play it at Biden’s next “Slate of the Onion” videotaped address.
    The hand gestures are exactly what he is doing to your country.

  4. joe6pak

    LOL. I’m just thinking any young man that wants to dive into a wet ass pussy is gonna come out smelling like shit and a fish market. These young people are not that bright.

  5. Your great grandkids will be listening to this as background music at a restaurant or piped in to Amazon. (Amazon will be the one and only retailer in the U.S., with thousands of locations coast to coast.)


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